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Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory on (More) Agile Testing, Learning and New Approaches
Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory talk about how they came to collaborate on the "Agile Testing" books, the testing skillset and approaches to learning, and new and interesting approaches to testing.
Yakov Fain on the State of Java, JavaScript, Web Development
Yakov Fain explains the state of Java, JavaScript, and web development today, explains reasons for choosing Dart or TypeScript, and why he's interested in web components and Polymer.
Jon McKay on Building Tessel Boards and What We Can Expect From Tessel Soon
The Internet of Things is right around the corner and it's very much about connected devices, sensors and gathering and leveraging data. The Tessel Board is programmable in JavaScript and makes it extremely easy to try out programming connected devices, send sensor data to the cloud or even control your elevator with a text message. And there's more to expect in the future, Jon tells us.
David Nolen on Transit, ClojureScript, Transducers, React and Om
David Nolen explains the power of the Transit format (efficiently serializing values to JSON and MessagePack), Transducers, the power of Facebook's React when bundled with immutable data structures.
Nico Bevacqua on Writing Modular JavaScript
In this interview, Nicolas Bevacqua talks about how he initially got into programming professionally as a DotNet developer and how he eventually made the transition to focusing primarily on Node.js development. He discusses his passion for writing open source projects for the JavaScript developer community and some of the projects that he is most passionate about.
Gilad Bracha on How to Make Javascript and the Web a Good Compilation Target
Gilad Bracha explains what Javascript needs to become a good compilation target for a wide variety of languages, live programming, FRP, and much more.
Dave Arel on Hybrid Mobile Development
Dave Arel explains when to do a hybrid app vs a native app on mobile, how a hybrid app can facilitate app upgrade, how to choose JavaScript frameworks and much more.
TJ VanToll on Hybrid Development for Mobile Apps
TJ VanToll explains hybrid development for mobile apps: reasons to choose hybrid over native and vice versa, issues with web views for mobile apps, cross compilation vs web apps, and much more.
Axel Rauschmayer on ECMAScript 6 and the Future of JavaScript
The well-known JavaScript language expert, Dr. Axel Rauschmayer, discusses with Brian Rinaldi some of the changes coming to the JavaScript language soon via the ECMAScript 6 specification. He discusses the two changes he believes will be the most impactful to the JavaScript developer community as well as the changing landscape bring brought about by new browser features such as web components.
Feross Aboukhadijeh on WebRTC, PeerCDN, WebTorrent
Feross Aboukhadijeh explains WebRTC, peer to peer networking with WebRTC, how PeerCDN uses WebRTC, WebTorrent, and much more.
Evan Czaplicki on FRP in the Browser with Elm, Time Travelling Debugger
Evan Czaplicki explains Elm, an FRP language that compiles to JavaScript/HTML/CSS, the different approaches to reactive programming, the Elm time travelling debugger and much more.
Aviran Mordo on Scaling Wix, Choosing Between MySQL and NoSQL, Scala
Aviran Mordo explains the service oriented architecture behind web hoster WiX, when to choose MySQL vs NoSQL products, introducing Scala, and much more.