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QCon Panel: What will the Future of Java Development Be?
In this panel discussion from QCon San Francisco, several influential leaders of the software development community discussed and debated the future of the Java language and APIs based upon the lessons we have learned from the past. Topics included static versus dynamic languages, removing code from Java, forking the JVM, and the next big programming language.
Peter Kriens discusses OSGi
InfoQ recently sat down with Peter Kriens of the OSGi Alliance to learn more about OSGi. Kriens discussed OSGi's origins in the mobile space, it's integration with Eclipse, the current integration work with Spring, and the future R5 specification. He also discussed the ongoing debate over OSGi and JSR 277, and gave his perspective on what an ideal solution would be for modularity at the JVM level.
Zed Shaw and Matt Pelletier Decide if Rails is Enterprise Ready
Zed Shaw and Matt Pelletier sat down with InfoQ's Obie Fernandez at RailsConf to explore some of the reasoning behind setting up the mongrel project, getting adoption in enterprise and dealing with developers who just aren't ready. Watch the interview to find out how much Shaw's Enterprise Mongrel product will cost, where the support contracts are and who'll come out on top when the vultures land.
Patrick Linskey discusses OpenJPA and the JPA specification
At The Spring Experience conference, InfoQ caught up with Patrick Linskey of BEA to discuss the current status of the Apache OpenJPA project. Linskey explains where OpenJPA came from, how it fits into the Object\Relational Mapping space, the differentiating features that OpenJPA provides, the JPA specification, and future plans for OpenJPA.