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Bob Lee on Java's Future, Lambdas, DI with Guice vs Dagger, Java and Ruby at Square
Bob Lee explains the popularity of Java, future language features like Lambdas, DI with Guice vs. the Dagger framework, the role of Java vs. Ruby at Square, hiring at Square, security and much more.
Attila Szegedi on JVM and GC Performance Tuning at Twitter
Attila Szegedi talks about performance tuning Java and Scala programs at Twitter: how to approach GC problems, the importance of asynchronous I/O, when to use MySQL/Cassandra/Redis, and much more.
Dr Nic Williams on Rails, RailsInstaller and the Future of Ruby VMs
Dr Nic Williams talks about the state of the Rails community, the reasons for supporting JRuby and Rubinius implementations and for creating RailsInstaller.
Orion Henry on Heroku, Doozer and Paxos, Ruby
Orion Henry explains what make Heroku's PaaS tick, in particular the new extensible Cedar stack as well as Doozer, the implementation of the Paxos algorithm created at Heroku.
Venkat Subramaniam on JVM Languages
Venkat Subramaniam talks about the characteristics of JVM languages like Groovy, JRuby and Scala, and their applicability in enterprise applications. He also mentions several implementation details and finishes by addressing issues of lifelong learning for developers.
Dean Wampler on the State of Scala: 2.8, Concurrency, Functional Programming
Dean Wampler discusses the state of Scala: the big changes in 2.8, the Scala on .NET, concurrency and parallelism with Scala and Akka, and experiences with adoption of functional languages.
Yehuda Katz on Rails 3.x
Yehuda Katz talks on how Rails 3.0 has been received by the community, what are the differences compared to other similar frameworks, the impact of having different Ruby implementations, and what’s coming in Rails 3.1.
Dan Lucraft on NoSQL DBs with Rails and the Design of JRuby-based Editor RedCar
Dan Lucraft talks about working with MongoDB and using asynchronous observers with Rails. Also: the design of the JRuby/SWT/HTML/Javascript-based, extensible editor RedCar.
Stuart Halloway on Clojure and Functional Programming
Relevance, Inc. co-founder Stuart Halloway discusses Clojure and functional programing on the JVM in depth, and touches on the uses of a number of other modern JVM languages including JRuby, Groovy, Scala and Haskell. He also makes a case for structural edit modes in IDEs, and shares some of his favorite IT books.
Dean Wampler on Programming Languages
This interview begins with a discussion of functional programming, the use of Scala by programmers trained in Java and the differences between purely functional languages like Haskell and hybrids like Scala. Later in the interview other programming languages are discussed along with the notion of programming paradigms and the need for combining both paradigms and languages to best solve problems.
John Lam on IronRuby, Microsoft and Open Source
In this interview from RubyFringe, John Lam talks about his work on IronRuby and how Microsoft is approaching Open Source software development.
Nick Sieger on JRuby
Nick Sieger talks about the future of JRuby, Java Integration, and his work on JEE deployment tools for Ruby on Rails like Warbler.