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We're Building on Hollowed Foundations: Worrying Trends in Open Source and What You Can Actually Do about It
Heather Miller discusses open source, why it may run into troubles and how people can help.
Scripting with Luerl
Barbara Chassoul introduces Luerl, emphasizing its trade-off as thin skin on top of the BEAM ecosystem.
Beauty and the Beast, Haskell on JVM
Jarek Ratajski discusses how a sample system performs, where the business logic is written in Haskell and middleware components and libraries in Java.
Real-Time Functional Reactive Programming with Erlang
Peer Stritzinger, Kilian Holzinger discuss and show cyber-physical systems implemented with FRP-Erlang running on GRiSP, a bare-metal board running Erlang.
How to Teach Programming and Other Things?
Felienne Hermans keynotes on teaching programming to others, discussing how to be a better teacher and learner.
Functional Rust - An Exploration
Lisa Passing discusses how to write functional code in Rust.
Visualizing Home Automation with GRiSP
Claudia Doppioslash and Adam Lindberg introduce GRiSP, a home automation project written in Erlang and JavaScript/D3.
In Praise of Higher Order Functions
Mary Sheeran discusses higher order functions, taking a look at their history and their algebra, showing some examples capturing patterns in hardware description and GPU programming.