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  • Rich Hickey on Clojure's Features and Implementation

    In this interview from QCon London 2009, Rich Hickey talks about Clojure. The discussion includes the ideas behind Clojure's STM support, what other concurrency primitives Clojure supports and which ones might get added in the future. Other topics covered are Clojure's AOT support, the role and implementation of multimethods, Clojure ports to other systems and much more.

  • Interview: Guy Steele Interviews John McCarthy, Father of Lisp

    In this phone interview that took place in front of an audience at OOPSLA 2008, Guy Steele spins a yarn with John McCarthy, the father of Lisp, attempting to find out some details surrounding the language inception in the 50’ and its later evolution.

  • Presentation: The Evolution of Lisp

    In this presentation recorded at OOPSLA 2008, Guy L. Steele Jr. and Richard P. Gabriel reenact their presentation called "The Evolution of Lisp" which took place during ACM History of Languages Conference in 1993.

  • JRuby and Clojure - A Good Match?

    Clojure is a JVM based LISP with interesting properties for concurrency (persistent data structures, STM). New libraries for Clojure are popping up - and some of them are inspired by Ruby libraries such as HAML, ActiveRecord, Rack, and others. We also look at combining JRuby and Clojure to get the best of both Ruby and LISP world, as well as access to technologies such as STM.

  • Clojure Brings STM, LISP to the JVM

    Clojure, a LISP-style language for the JVM, is gaining interest quickly. One of the reasons is definitely its approach to concurrency which builds on Software Transactional Memory (STM). We talked to Stuart Halloway who's writing the first book on Clojure for the Pragmatic Programmers.

  • Live Production Clojure Application Announced

    A production health-care application built using Clojure (among other languages) has been announced, and is now running live. Several details have been provided regarding the architecture, deployment, and runtime behavior of the application.

  • Presentation: Ruby.rewrite(Ruby)

    In this RubyFringe talk, Reginald Braithwaite shows how to write Ruby that reads, writes, and rewrites Ruby. The demos include extending the Ruby language with conditional expressions, new forms of evaluation such as call-by-name and call-by-need, and more.

  • The Ioke JVM Language: The power of Lisp and Ruby with an intuitive syntax

    Ola Bini, a core JRuby developer and author of the book Practical JRuby on Rails Projects, has been developing a new language for the JVM called Ioke. This strongly typed, extremely dynamic, prototype based object oriented language aims to give developers the same kind of power they get with Lisp and Ruby, combined with a nice, small, regular syntax.

  • Interview: Ted Neward on Present and Past Languages

    In this interview filmed during QCon London 2008, Ted Neward, author of "Effective Enterprise Java", talks about languages, statical, dynamical, objectual or functional. He dives into Java, C#, C++, Haskell, Scala, VB, and Lisp, to name some of them, comparing the benefits and disadvantages of using one or another.

  • Article: Exploring LISP on the JVM

    This article, written by Per Jacobsson, is aimed at Java developers curious about Lisp. It discusses the different dialects of Lisp that are available on the JVM today, and gives a crash course in how Lisp programming works and what makes it unique. Finally it looks at how Lisp code can be integrated with a Java system.

  • Metaprogramming Roundup: Speed, Ruby Macros, Screencasts

    A look at what to watch out for in metaprogramming when it comes to speed, and: how ParseTree can be used to implement LISP/Scheme-style Macros in Ruby and avoid some of the issues of Open Classes.

  • Using ParseTree for LINQ-style queries and extracting metadata

    Whether it's LISP macros or LINQ's expression trees - access to the AST of code is a powerful tool. We look at how ParseTree allows this in Ruby - and how it's being used in libraries like Ambition, Sequel and the web framework Merb.

  • A .NET Triumvirate: IronScheme, IronLisp, and Xacc

    Dynamic Languages are all the rage over the last year. Thanks to Llewellyn Pritchard two classics, Lisp and Scheme, are receiving the attention they deserve to run on the .NET runtime.

  • Lisp on the .NET Runtime

    Continuing our coverage of Lisp, we present some of the efforts underway to port the venerable language to the .NET runtime. Variants we look at include IronLisp, LispSharp, and Common Larceny.

  • Lisp for Agile Teams

    When the developers at Paragent needed to build a web-based IT administration tool, with a bare minimum of time and money, they did it with... Common Lisp? InfoQ asked Paragent CTO Tim Latchey why they chose Lisp, and what it offers to agile development teams.