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InfoQ Homepage Guides Agile Patterns: The Technical Cluster

Agile Patterns: The Technical Cluster

As more and more people move towards adoption of Agile practices, they are looking for guidance and advice on how to adopt Agile successfully. Unfortunately many of the questions they have such as: “Where do I start?”, “What specific practices should I adopt?”, “How can I adopt incrementally?” and “Where can I expect pitfalls?” are not adequately addressed.

This book answers these questions by guiding the reader in crafting their own adoption strategy focused on their business values and environment.  This strategy is then directly tied to patterns of agile practice adoption that describe how many teams have successfully (and unsuccessfully) adopted practices like test-first development, simple design, and others.

188 pages, 6" x 9", ISBN# 978-1-4303-1488-2

Free download

Courtesy of Amr Elssamadisy and, we're happy to offer a free version for download, to get this knowledge in as many peoples hands as possible.


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Table of contents

Part 1: Business Value, Smells, and an Adoption Strategy

  • Business Values
  • Smells
  • Adopting Agile Practices

Part 2: The Patterns

  • Automated Developer Tests (Abstract Patter)
  • Test-Last Development
  • Test-First Development
  • Refactoring
  • Continuous Integration
  • Simple Design
  • (Automated) Functional Tests
  • Collective Code Ownership

Part 3: The Clusters

  • Clusters of Practices
  • Evolutionary Design
  • Test Driven Development
  • Test Driven Requirements


  • Pattern to Business Value Mappings
  • Pattern to Smell Mappings
  • Adoption Strategy Case Study
  • Getting the Most from Agile Practice Patterns
  • Reading a Pattern Effectively

About the Author

Amr currently serves Valtech as a Principal Consultant where he helps Valtech’s clients build better software using the latest technologies and of course adopting and adapting Agile practices.    Amr is also an Agile news writer for  Ever since being introduced to eXtreme Programming in late 1999, he has been sold on Agile Development and, as a consultant, has been selling it to clients.  He has been working exclusively with agile practices and helping teams adopt and adapt practices to suit their environments and build better software. Amr has used his experience and gathered the expertise of many others from the Agile community in order to bring together their experiences in this book.