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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Cross-Platform Tools: Build Once and Run Everywhere

Cross-Platform Tools: Build Once and Run Everywhere



Alexey Karpik reviews JS libraries – Sencha, JQuery, Jo-, frameworks –Rhomobile, M-Project-, and tools –PhoneGap, MoSync, Appcelerator, Antenna-, discussing how they fare with mobile development.


Alexey Karpik, a Senior Web platform developer at Altoros, has 7+ years of experience and his expertise covers PHP, Java, and Python. Now, he is more focused on Web platform and Mobile development, including building apps for Android and iOS. Alexey is a frequent speaker and attendant of different conferences, meetups, and barcamps.

About the conference

For the second time we are launching the GOTO Copenhagen conference in May 2012 after a successful execution in 2011. GOTO Aarhus has been an annual event in Denmark since 1996 and attracts more than 1200 participants (formerly known as JAOO). The target audience for GOTO conferences are software developers, IT architects and project managers.

Recorded at:

Sep 18, 2012