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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Facebook: Moving Fast at Scale

Facebook: Moving Fast at Scale



Robert Johnson discusses Facebook’s approach to scalability issues resulting from a large growth of the user base. He talks about: why one needs to prepare for horizontal and not vertical scalability, very short release cycles which are better because they introduce fewer bugs, the need to streamline to deploying process for short release cycles, and making the entire process faster every day.


Robert Johnson is Director of Engineering at Facebook, where he leads the software development efforts. He was previously at ActiveVideo Networks, leading the distributed systems and set-top software development teams. He received a B.S. In Engineering and Applied Science from Caltech.

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Starting in 1986, OOPSLA Conference has proven to be the cradle of many techniques and methodologies that have become mainstream over the years: OOP, Patterns, AOP, XP, Unit Testing, UML, Wiki, and Refactoring. Gaining its prestige with 3 academic tracks, OOPSLA Conference has managed to attract researchers, educators and developers every year. The event is sponsored by ACM.

Recorded at:

May 24, 2010