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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Five Static Code Audits Every Developer Should Know and Use

Five Static Code Audits Every Developer Should Know and Use



Mike Rozlog discusses the need for software audits, proposing five code reviews that every developer should use: Numerical Literal, String Literal, god Method, Shotgun Surgery and Duplicate Code.


Mike Rozlog is the Senior Director of products for Embarcadero. Mike was formerly with CodeGear, and previously, he spent more than eight years working for Borland in a number of positions, including a primary role as Chief Technical Architect. A reputed author, Mike has been published numerous times. His latest collaboration is Mastering JBuilder from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

About the conference

Code PaLOUsa is a conference designed to cover all aspects of software development regardless of technology stack. It has sessions revolving around Microsoft, Java, and other development platforms; along with session on higher levels that are platform agnostic. The conference schedule will feature presentations from well-known professionals in the software development community.

Recorded at:

May 17, 2011