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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Registration of Rights - A Visionary Public SOA-Project

Registration of Rights - A Visionary Public SOA-Project



Henrik Hvid Jensen presents a SOA project meant to digitalize the registration of land property rights in Denmark, pointing to the architecture used, services and the registration process.


Henrik Hvid Jensen is a leading SOA guru in Denmark. His Scandinavian book "Service Oriented Architetcture - Integration as a competitive advantage" and blogs have been used as inspiration in many projects. He has taught on SOA, Events Driven Architecture and Semantic Web as External Associate Professor at Copenhagen University. He is today Project Director at Devoteam Consulting.

About the conference

The International SOA Symposium is a yearly event that features the top SOA experts and authors from around the world, providing a series of keynotes, talks, demonstrations, panels, and SOA training and certification workshops - all with an emphasis on realizing SOA in the real world.

Recorded at:

Apr 14, 2011