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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Scrub & Spin: Stealth Use of Formal Methods in Software Development

Scrub & Spin: Stealth Use of Formal Methods in Software Development



Gerard Holzmann discusses Spin, a design analyzer tool, and Scrub, a code review tool, used by Jet Propulsion Laboratory to analyze and fix the software used for critical solar system exploration missions.


Gerard J. Holzmann is Senior Research Scientist and Fellow at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena. Dr. Holzmann is best known for designing and building one of the most widely used formal verification systems for multi-threaded systems software: the Spin model checker, for which he was awarded the 2001 ACM Software Systems award and was elected in the National Academy of Engineering in 2005.

About the conference

Starting in 1986, OOPSLA Conference has proven to be the cradle of many techniques and methodologies that have become mainstream over the years: OOP, Patterns, AOP, XP, Unit Testing, UML, Wiki, and Refactoring. Gaining its prestige with 3 academic tracks, OOPSLA Conference has managed to attract researchers, educators and developers every year. The event is sponsored by ACM.

Recorded at:

Jun 02, 2010