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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Actors for CyberThings

Actors for CyberThings



Carl Hewitt keynotes on the Actor Model and ActorScript, providing examples of using them for large-scale datacenters and IoT.


Carl Hewitt is the creator (with his students and colleagues) of the Actor Model of computation. For his doctoral thesis, he designed Planner, the first programming language based on pattern-invoked procedural plans. Hewitt is Board Chair of iRobust and Standard IoT, and he has been a Visiting Professor at Stanford University and Keio University and is Emeritus in the EECS department at MIT.

About the conference

The Erlang Factory SF Bay is a two-day tech conference focused on the Erlang programming language. It brings together the rapidly growing community that uses Erlang in order to showcase the language and its various application to today's distributed environments. Those less familiarized with the language get first-hand accounts on how companies solve real-world challenges using Erlang. Training courses on Erlang, OTP and other tools ad solutions based on the language are usually organised around the conference.

Recorded at:

Aug 28, 2015