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InfoQ Homepage Presentations CI/CD/CS: Implementing Continuous Security across Your Delivery Pipeline and at Run-Time

CI/CD/CS: Implementing Continuous Security across Your Delivery Pipeline and at Run-Time



Jorge Salamero Sanz discusses use case examples on how to make a CI/CD pipeline interact with Docker security tools, and how to prepare for policy violations that happen at runtime.


Jorge Salamero Sanz enjoys monitoring all the things, from his Kubernetes clusters to DIY projects with Raspberry PI and ESP8266. Currently he is part of the Sysdig team. When away from computers, you will find him walking with his 2 dogs across the countryside or driving his car through a twisted road.

About the conference

Micro Services are a new paradigm for software architecture: small services in separated processes take the place of large applications. This way monolithic architecture can be avoided, and systems are easily scalable and changeable. The MicroXchg conference looks at a variety of aspects of Micro Services.

Recorded at:

Sep 15, 2018