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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Eclipse: The Evolution and Future of IDEs

Eclipse: The Evolution and Future of IDEs



Tyler Jewell introduces Eclipse Che, the platform and the new approach to workspace, demoing along with SAP, Red Hat, IBM, and Microsoft its current level of integration with various cloud providers.


Tyler Jewell is CEO of Codenvy and project lead for Eclipse Che, the next-generation Eclipse IDE. He is also a partner with Toba Capital where he makes developer-related investments including WSO2, Sauce Labs, ShiftMobility, ZeroTurnaround, InfoQ, SourceGraph, and AppHarbor. He is the author of three books on Java, including OReilly's Java Web Services.

About the conference

EclipseCon is all about community. Contributors, adopters, extenders, service providers, consumers and business and research organizations gather to share their expertise and learn from each other. EclipseCon delivers networking opportunities that lead to synergies in the community, as well as opportunities to give and receive help on specific technical issues or to generate business opportunities.

Recorded at:

Mar 09, 2016