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InfoQ Homepage Presentations The Cuddly Throwable Application Server

The Cuddly Throwable Application Server



Holly Cummins presents a getting-started-guide to the Internet of Things. What’s needed? How much does it cost? What’s the best way of making an embeddable device talk to the internet?


Holly Cummins is the technical lead of IBM’s Bluemix Garage London, and the former delivery lead for the WebSphere Liberty Profile. She is a co-author of Enterprise OSGi in Action and has spoken at JavaOne, Devoxx, JavaZone, The ServerSide Java Symposium, JAX London, GeeCon, and the Great Indian Developer Summit, as well as a number of user groups.

About the conference

The Docklands. JLC is a community for Java developers and those with an interest in the JVM to get together monthly in the Docklands. The Docklands. LJC is proud to be part of the London Java Community.

Recorded at:

Feb 06, 2017