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InfoQ Homepage Presentations History of MonoGame

History of MonoGame



Dominique Louis covers the history of MonoGame from its roots in XNA and how the team ported it to 8 platforms. He demoes taking a simple 3D XNA sample from Windows to Android and Windows Phone 8.


Dominique Louis has been a software developer for over 20 years. Starting off with IBM Mid-Range machines using RPG400, then moving on Delphi and now C#. He's worked on games like Siege of Avalon and Hero X. Recently he has been one of the project coordinators and longest serving contributor to the MonoGame project. Last year Microsoft invited the MonoGame team to speak a //Build.

About the conference

Naked Element Ltd. presents the first mobile development conference in Norfolk. MobDevCon is a one day conference and is open to all. There will be presentations and workshops covering a broad range of mobile development topics. Do you want to go mobile? Not sure which platform to use? Want to find out about NFC? Come and find answers to your mobile questions at MobDevCon.

Recorded at:

Oct 18, 2013