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InfoQ Homepage Presentations SQL Strikes Back! Recent Trends in Data Persistence and Analysis

SQL Strikes Back! Recent Trends in Data Persistence and Analysis



Dean Wampler takes a look at SQL’s resurgence and specific example technologies, including: NewSQL, Hybrid SQL, SQL abstractions on top of file-based data, SQL as a functional programming language.


Dean Wampler is a consultant for Typesafe. He specializes in scalable, distributed, data-centric application development, "Big Data" or otherwise. Dean is a contributor to several open-source projects and the founder of the Chicago-Area Scala Enthusiasts. He is the co-author of "Programming Scala", the author of "Functional Programming for Java Developers", and the co-author of "Programming Hive".

About the conference

Code Mesh, the Alternative Programming Conference, focuses on promoting useful non-mainstream technologies to the software industry. The underlying theme is "the right tool for the job", as opposed to automatically choosing the tool at hand. By bringing together users and inventors of different languages and technologies (new and old), speakers will get the opportunity to inspire, to share experience, and to increase insight. Via presentations and case studies, we aim to raise awareness and extend the knowledge of all participants, mainstream and non-main stream users alike.

Recorded at:

Feb 24, 2015