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InfoQ Homepage Remote Developer Content on InfoQ

  • Creating and Nurturing an Intentional Remote Culture

    Company culture isn’t built in the short term, nor can it be imposed. It’s deeply rooted in the founders’ ideologies and behaviours around work. From there, it grows and evolves organically as the company hires individuals who embrace these values, and who also bring their own identity into the mix.

  • Remote Onboarding Changes the New Hire Experience

    As organisations make remote working more and more the norm, the employee onboarding experience needs to change to engage new people with their colleagues and the organisation effectively. The onboarding experience needs to be designed to engage the new employee and actively make them feel welcome and a part of the team.

  • Remote Working for Tech Workers is Here to Stay

    Remote working is here to stay for tech workers, irrespective of what happens with COVID-19.  Many tech companies are changing their long term planning and hiring practices to allow for remote working in the future, and benefits packages are being reworked to provide support for parents with child care and home schooling pressures.  

  • Using Measurement to Optimise Remote Work

    Dave Longman of HeadForwards wrote about using data to demonstrate the effectiveness of remote work during lockdown. Michael Schrage of MIT’s School of Management also wrote about the importance of using data-driven insights to improve performance in the current climate. Laura Giurge of London Business School talked about how isolation is teaching individuals and firms to be remotely effective.

  • Remote Collaboration Fatigue is Real, Remote Workers are More Empathic, Remote Work is Here to Stay

    As the shift from in-person to remote working persists, organisations have been doing research into the impact this is having on individuals and teams. Studies by Gartner and Microsoft indicate that remote collaboration fatigue is real, remote workers are more empathic and inclusive, and remote work is here to stay.

  • Pandemic Programming Survey Results Show Negative Impact of COVID-19 Changes

    The Pandemic Programming survey looked at the ways that developers' lives have been impacted by the lockdowns and changes caused by COVID-19. Over 2200 people from 52 countries answered the questionnaire to assess their wellbeing and productivity before and while working at home. The results show that wellbeing and productivity are suffering with some groups more impacted than others.

  • Facebook's Vision for the Future of Work

    In a recent article, Facebook showcased various technologies it has been developing to transform the way people interact and communicate. They also have the ability to unleash a radical change in the way people work together, the company

  • Facilitating Threat Modelling Remotely

    ThoughtWorks' Jim Gumbley recently published a guide to Threat Modelling on with a template for facilitating remote and onsite sessions. He makes a case for continuous threat modelling within each iteration, alongside business stake-holders. Derek Handova has also written about removing friction from security through automation and a greater security focus in the SDLC.

  • Conflicting Reports on Remote Worker Productivity and Contentment

    Remote working is becoming normal for the tech industry, with most tech employees working remotely due to the ongoing impacts of COVID-19. Studies and surveys are trying to measure the impact on productivity that organisations are seeing as a result of the shift. The results are conflicting and illustrate the complexity of the times we find ourselves in.

  • Tech Giants Shift to More Remote Working for the Long Term

    As the impacts of COVID-19 continue to be felt around the globe, and many tech industry employees get used to working from home, large tech companies are making long-term decisions about allowing and encouraging their people to work remotely. Facebook, Twitter, Shopify and others are making plans to have most or all of their workforce permanently remote.

  • Successful Remote Working

    For both employees and employers, remote work requires intentional design and implementation to be effective. People find remote work challenging because the established mindset says that being in an office is how work gets done. Despite the challenges, when remote work is done well, the advantages to employees and employer are sufficient to make it worthwhile.

  • GitLab 2020 Remote Work Report Highlights Key Motivators for Remote Work

    GitLab has just released its 2020 Remote Work Report, which provides a thorough perspective on remote work from the viewpoint of both remote workers and employers. Based on over 3,000 respondents across various industries and roles, the report also aims to give a glimpse of what remote work might look like in the future. InfoQ has taken the chance to speak with GitLab head of remote Darren Murph.

  • Remote Work Flourishes and Enables Business Continuity and AngelList recently published the 2020 State of Remote Work survey results. The survey coincides with a report by the Wall Street Journal on a sudden boom in remote working within China. Remote work has enabled business continuity across companies like Alibaba, in response to mobility restrictions imposed due to the COVID-19 virus.

  • Making Remote Mob Testing Work

    Remote mob testing can be done successfully, but requires suitable communication technology, a moderator who keeps everyone on board, and you need to frequently change the driver between local team members and remotes.

  • Developing Cultural Sensitivity in Working with Other Cultures

    Cultural differences can be a challenge in an international workplace, but at the same time cultural diversity can also be fascinating, said Rachel Smets. At Positive Psychology in Practice 2019 she suggested we prepare ourselves when working with other cultures or moving abroad, and develop our cultural sensitivity by learning about new cultures as much as we can.