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  • Maven Escapes from XML

    The recently released Maven 3.3.1 adds support for core extensions to be added to a project through additional metadata as well as using alternatives to the eponymous pom.xml file for building. This has been used to create build scripts for JRuby that build upon Maven but use a JRuby script to represent dependencies and plugins.

  • Ruby Developers can now Manage Microsoft Azure Services with Fog

    Microsoft Open Technologies Inc. have released a Ruby ‘fog-azure’ gem to provide Microsoft Azure support for the Fog cloud services library.

  • Ruby 2.2.0 Released, Featuring Incremental and Symbol GC

    Ruby 2.2.0, released on December 25th, is the gift rubyists got for Christmas. Highlights include several garbage collection (GC) improvements. There is a new incremental GC algorithm and symbols are now garbage collectable. Ruby also got a collection of minor improvements on the core classes and its standard library.

  • Improve your Programming Skills with helps developers to increases their craftsmanship in a language through feedback and discussion. It’s a community and tool where developers can write code and discuss it to strengthen their problem-solving skills. InfoQ did an interview with the creator of exercism Katrina Owen and with Richard Thomson who contributed the C++ language track for exercism.

  • RubyMotion 3 Release Supports Android and WatchKit

    HipByte released RubyMotion 3, which for the first time supports Android and Apple's WatchKit. A new pricing model attempts to better satisfy the developers needs.

  • Rebuilding Wunderlist Using Microservices

    Chad Fowler, CTO at 6Wunderkinder, the company behind Wunderlist, describes how they went from a large monolithic Rails application and a large monolithic database to a system with many microservices, and the architecture they ended up with. Starting by adding new functionality as services and splitting the large database into smaller databases, they ended up doing a big rewrite of a new system.

  • RubyMotion Releases Android Public Beta

    RubyMotion recently announced that its Android Support had entered public beta, which should allow early adopters to get started now developing for the Android platform. RubyMotion is a terminal based toolchain used to create native iOS, Mac, and now with this beta version, Android applications, using the popular Ruby language and tools.

  • New in Motorola RhoMobile 5.0: Licensing Model, Cloud Services and KitKat Support

    Motorola RhoMobile 5.0 comes with a new licensing model, support for the latest iOS and Android versions, a set of new or improved cloud services – Build, Synchronization, Push Notification –, Zebra Printing support, and others.

  • RubyMotion Announces Android Support

    RubyMotion is expanding from iOS to Android with their upcoming 3.0 release. InfoQ talked to Laurent Sansonetti to learn how they built a new Ruby runtime that is statically compiled and integrates with Android.

  • New Relic Open Sources their Docker Deployment Tool Centurion

    New Relic open sourced Centurion, a deployment tool for Docker used internally to run their production infrastructure. Centurion takes containers from a Docker registry and runs them on a fleet of hosts with the correct environment variables, host volume mappings, and port mappings, supporting rolling deployments out of the box.

  • Comparing the Performance of Various Web Frameworks

    TechEmpower has been running benchmarks for the last year, attempting to measure and compare the performance of web frameworks. For these benchmarks the term “framework” is used loosely including platforms and micro-frameworks.

  • Rails 4.1 Improves Boot Time and Responsive Layouts

    Rails 4.1 can now preload your application to improve startup time and comes with improvements for Action Pack, Active Record, and Action Mailer.

  • Ruby 2.1.0 Released, Delivering new GC

    Ruby 2.1 has been released, with the biggest addition being a completely new garbage collector that promises much better performance.

  • DevDocs, a One Stop Shop for Reference Documentation

    DevDocs combines multiple reference documentation sets, commonly used by software developers, in a single web site. DevDocs takes advantage of this centralization to offer crosscutting features such as a searchable interface, keyboard shortcuts, common layouts or a common table of contents. DevDocs currently includes documentation for HTML, HTTP, Javascript and Ruby, among others.

  • Phusion Passenger App Server Gains Node.js Support

    Phusion Passenger, a popular web app server originally for Ruby, now supports Node.js apps. The feature was introduced in the Enterprise edition of Passenger earlier this year, but has been open sourced as of the recent 4.0.21 release of the free version. Phusion Passenger brings Scaling, Statistics, Supervision and Multitenancy to Node.js. InfoQ talked to Phusion's CTO Hongli Lai.