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I Want to Believe (not sure yet)
Marc-Daniel Ortega shares code snippets showing how to implement some logic in a functional language inspired by “Functional Programming in Scala”, avoiding the OOP influence.
Write Your Lisp in Scala
Stefan Chis demos building a Lisp dialect in Scala, covering: parsing code, defining data types and functions, evaluating expressions, implementing higher order functions.
Scalaz 'For the Rest of Us'
Adam Rosien introduces scalaz, how to use it to make code simpler and type safer, how it compensates for Scala issues, and how it encapsulates DI and data validation.
Extreme Speedups and GPGPU: A Tale of Two Practical Uses of Reified Trees
Olivier Chafik discusses how to make a practical use of reified trees in Scala, with two applications: run-time (re)compilation for extreme speed, and conversion to another language (OpenCL).
Playframework Scala: Democratizing Functional Programming for Web Developers
Sadek Drobi introduces the Play Framework for developers interested in doing web programming in a functional language.
Between Zero & Hero - Tips & Tricks for the Intermediate-Level Scala Developer
Age Mooij shares some tips&tricks for the Scala developer: type aliases, type and class tag, auto-lifted partial functions, nostacktrace, type classes, context bounds, low priority default implicits.
Real World Akka Recipes
Jamie Allen describes three patterns using Akka actors: handling a lack of guaranteed delivery, distributing tasks to worker actors and implementing distributed workers in an Akka cluster.
Failure: The Good Parts
Viktor Klang keynotes on the imminence and the need to prepare for failure along with several ways of managing failure in case it happens.