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JBoss Releases Seam 2.0 with Groovy Support and JSF Enhancements
Today the JBoss Seam team released Seam 2.0. This version comes 8 month after the last major release and includes deployment and web services enhancements in addition to support for JSF 1.2.
JBoss RichFaces 3.1: Ajax4JSF and Exadel RichFaces integrated as single open source library
JBoss, a division of RedHat, recently released version 3.1 of the RichFaces JSF library. Stemming from a partnership with Exadel, this release is the first one to integrate the Ajax4JSF project with the formerly commercial RichFaces. InfoQ took the opportunity to learn more about RichFaces and what this release brings to the JSF space.
Enterprise Application Platform 4.2: First JBoss release under RedHat support model
JBoss, a division of RedHat, recently announced the first release of their Enterprise Application Platform (EAP), which is based off of JBoss Application Server 4.2. InfoQ took the opportunity to learn more about this release and the potential changes it brings.
Seam 2.0 Beta Adds Groovy and Experimental GWT Support
Three months after the release of Seam 1.2.1, Seam 2.0 has been released as beta. Major enhancements have been made to Seam Asynchronicity, including Quartz integration. Seam components may also now be written in Groovy.
Java Web Frameworks Increase Support for Auto-Reload
Java web frameworks are increasingly adopting the ability to change portions of a web application and see the results immediately without restarting the server. This capability reduces the cost of the compile-build-test cycle, and helps to compete with the features of dynamic-language web frameworks such as Ruby on Rails or TurboGears.
Must Java Have an Answer to Rails?
There are two trends playing themselves out in response to this question. First there is the concept of simply running the Ruby language and in turn Rails under the JVM. Bloggers have been discussing the other concept of creating comparable frameworks in Java that catch the secret combination.
Seam 1.1.5: Now tested on all major appservers
Red Hat has released Seam framework 1.1.5. Seam ties together other JEE frameworks such as EJB3, JSF, jBPM, JBoss Rules (Drools), and iText. This release includes security framework enhancements and increased support for applications servers such as Websphere among its features.
InfoQ Article: An Introduction to JBoss Seam 1.1
JBoss Seam is a new full-stack web application framework that unifies and integrates Ajax, JSF, EJB2, Portlets, and BPM. Seam 1.1 released last week, and InfoQ has published an introduction to Seam, explaining what Seam can do with a HelloWorld example.
JBoss Seam 1.1 Indepth: An Interview with Gavin King
Seam 1.1 CR1 has just released, with the full GA coming within a couple of weeks. Major new changes include the ability to run SEAM without EJB making it useable in any appserver and even Tomcat, a new concurrency model, ICEFaces/Ajax4JSF integration, and Rails-like code generation/command line tools. InfoQ spoke to Seam creator Gavin King about the release.
On migrating from Python & Zope to Java with EJB 3 & JBoss SEAM
Nuxeo has announced that the next version of its ECM product will be based entirely on Java, using JBoss SEAM, EJB 3, and JBoss. The move is interesting for a company claiming to be "the biggest Zope-focused company in the world." InfoQ spoke to Nuxeo's engineering team to find the why and how of their move.
JBoss SEAM 1.0: rethinking web application architecture
JBoss SEAM 1.0 was released today; SEAM extends the POJO + annotation-driven and configuration-by-exception programming model of EJB 3.0 into the entire web app stack, while unifying JSF, EJB, AJAX, and business process management (jBPM) into one tightly-integrated framework. InfoQ spoke to Gavin King and got some more background on SEAM and it's 1.0 release today.
Web Beans JSR 299 approved by JCP for further development
The new Web Beans JSR 299 has been unanimously approved by the JCP executive committee for further development. Web Beans aims to integrate EJB 3 session and entity beans to be used as JSF managed beans eliminating the dual layers of web actions and EJB's common in web apps. Web Beans also defines constructs for state and workflow in the web tier.
Web Beans submitted to JCP, aims to unify EJB and web tier
JBoss has submitted "Web Beans" to the JCP, with support from Oracle, Sun, Borland, and Google. Web Beans aims to enable EJB 3 session and entity beans to be used as JSF managed beans (known as actions in other frameworks) eliminating the dual layers of web actions and EJB's common in web apps. Gavin King will be the spec lead.