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Spring News Roundup: Milestones for Spring Boot, Auth Server, Integration, Modulith, Batch
There was a flurry of activity in the Spring ecosystem during the week of September 16th, 2024, highlighting point and milestone releases of: Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Authorization Server, Spring Integration, Spring Modulith, Spring Batch, Spring AMQP and Spring for Apache Pulsar.
Java News Roundup: WildFly 33, Spring Cloud Data Flow, Apache TomEE, LangChain4j, Micronaut
This week's Java roundup for July 22nd, 2024, features news highlighting: the release of WildFly 33; Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.11.4; the second milestone release of Apache TomEE 10.0; LangChain4j 0.33; Micronaut 4.5.1; Eclipse Store 1.4; and an update on Jakarta EE 11.
Spring Ecosystem Releases Focus on Spring Boot, Spring Session and Spring Security
There was a flurry of activity in the Spring ecosystem during the week of May 20th, 2024, highlighting GA releases of: Spring Boot 3.3.0, Spring Security 6.3.0, Spring Session 3.3.0 and Spring Integration 1.3.0.
Java News Roundup: Final JEP Drafts, Payara 2024 Roadmap, TornadoVM Plugin for IntelliJ
This week's Java roundup for January 8th, 2024 features news highlighting: JEP drafts for final versions of OpenJDK features String Templates and Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Main Methods; the Payara Platform 2024 roadmap; and a new TornadoVM plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.
Java News Roundup: Unnamed Variables and Patterns, WildFly 30, MicroProfile 6.1, Payara Platform
This week's Java roundup for October 16th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, BellSoft, Oracle VS Code extension, WildFly 30, Payara Platform, MicroProfile 6.1, EclipseCon and releases for GraalVM Native Build Tools, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Authorization Server, Spring Cloud Dataflow, Micronaut, Quarkus, Open Liberty, Apache TomEE, Apache Tomcat, JHipster and JHipster Lite.
Java News Roundup: JEPs for JDK 21, Spring Cloud AWS 3.0, OptaPlanner to Timefold
This week's Java roundup for May 1st, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 21, Spring Boot 3.1.0-RC2, Spring Modulith 0.6, Spring Cloud for Amazon Web Services 3.0.0, Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.10.3, Spring Tools 4.18.2, Infinispan 14.0.9.Final, Open Liberty, Quarkus 3.0.2 and 2.16.7, Helidon 3.2.1, Apache Camel 4.0.0-M3, Arquillian 1.7.0 and OptaPlanner transitions to Timefold.
Java News Roundup: Gradle 8.0, Maven, Payara Platform, Piranha, Spring Framework, MyFaces, Piranha
This week's Java roundup for February 13th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 20, JDK 21, Native Build Tools 0.9.20, Spring 6.0.5, Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.10.1, Quarkus 2.16.3, Payara Platform, Micronaut 3.8.5, Helidon 3.1.2, Vert.x 3.9.15, Hibernate Search 6.2.Alpha2, MyFaces 4.0-RC5, Grails 5.3.2, Reactor 2022.0.3, Metrics 1.11-M1 and Tracing 1.1-M1, Maven 3.9, Gradle 8.0 and Piranha 22.3.
Java News Roundup: GlassFish 7.0, Payara Platform, Apache NetBeans 16
This week's Java roundup for December 12th, 2022, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 20, JDK 21, GlassFish 7.0, Spring Framework 6.0.3, Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.10 Spring for Apache Pulsar 0.1, Payara Platform, Quarkus 2.15, WildFly 27.0.1, Helidon 2.5.5, Piranha Cloud 22.12, NetBeans 16, Apache Camel, 3.14.7, JobRunr 5.3.2, JDKMon 17.0.43, Reactor 2022.0.1, JHipster Lite 0.24 and Ktor 2023 roadmap.
Java News Roundup: Spring Framework 6, JCP Election, Project Valhalla, OpenJDK Updates
This week's Java roundup for November 14th, 2022, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 20, Project Valhalla, JavaFX 20, JCP election results, Spring Framework 6.0, Spring Data 2022.0, Spring Cloud Dataflow 2.10-RC2, Spring Modulith 0.1-RC1, Quarkus 2.14.1 and 3.0.Alpha1, Micronaut 3.7.4, Piranha 22.11.0, Eclipse Vert.x 4.3.5, Apache Tomcat 10.1.2 and 9.0.69, Apache Beam 2.43.0 and PrimeFaces 12.0.2.
Java News Roundup: JEP 424, NetBeans 13, Hazelcast 5.1, JHipster 7.7, Spring Cloud Gateway CVEs
This week's Java roundup for February 28th, 2022, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 19, point and milestone releases on various Spring projects, Quarkus 2.7.3.Final, Micronaut 3.3.4, HIbernate Validator versions 6.2.2.Final, 7.0.3.Final and 8.0.0.Alpha1, Hazelcast 5.1, Apache NetBeans 13, Apache Log4j 2.17.2, JHipster 7.7.0, and JReleaser 1.0.0-M3.
Java News Roundup: Microsoft Joins JCP, Helidon 2.4.0, OpenJDK and JDK 18 Updates
This week's Java roundup for November 1st, 2021, features news from OpenJDK JEPs, JDK 18, Helidon 2.4.0, Open Liberty, point releases for Spring Cloud and its related subprojects, Quarkus 2.4.1.Final, Hibernate Reactive 1.0.1, WildFly 25.0.1 and JReleaser 0.8.0.
High-Performance Data Processing with Spring Cloud Data Flow and Geode
Cahlen Humphreys and Tiffany Chang spoke recently at the SpringOne Platform 2019 Conference about data processing with Spring Cloud Data Flow and Apache Geode frameworks.
Pivotal Releases Spring Cloud Data Version 1.6 Featuring a New App Hosting Tool
Pivotal has released version 1.6 of Spring Cloud Data Flow, a project for building and orchestrating real-time data processing pipelines to runtimes such as the Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF), Kubernetes and Mesos. New features include an app hosting tool, a scheduler for PCF, and an app repository. Mark Pollack, senior staff engineer at Pivotal, spoke to InfoQ about this latest release.
Pivotal Releases Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.5
Pivotal has released version 1.5 of Spring Cloud Data Flow, a project for building real-time data processing pipelines. New features include improvements to the user interface, metrics, and Kubernetes along with updated Spring Cloud Stream Application Starters.
Q&A with Eric Bottard Regarding Spring Cloud Data Flow for Cloud Foundry
InfoQ's Rags Srinivas caught up with Eric Bottard of Pivotal regarding the latest release of Spring Cloud Data Flow for Cloud Foundry.