InfoQ Homepage Spring Framework 5 Content on InfoQ
Spring Framework 5.2: Core Container Revisited
Juergen Hoeller covers some of the Spring Framework 5.2 technologies: R2DBC, RSocket, the core component container for GraalVM support and compile-time annotation indexing.
State of Reactor 2019
Simon Baslé covers the latest updates to the Reactor ecosystem, including:Reactor 3.3 updates, future roadmap, new projects like reactor-pool, BlockHound, debug-agent, and community updates.
Reactor: The New Power Source for PayPal's JVM Framework
Anil Gursel and Rick Hogge share the technical journey for moving PayPal engineers from a JAX-RS imperative programming model to a reactive stack.
Avoiding Reactor Meltdown
Phil Clay shows code examples of blocking problems and solutions when using Project Reactor, as well as a live demo with BlockHound.
Building Reactive Pipelines: How to Go from Scalable Apps to (Ridiculously) Scalable Systems
Mark Heckler discusses and demoes reactive and highly scalable microservices built with Project Reactor using RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, and Spring Cloud Stream.
Fully Reactive: Spring, Kotlin, and JavaFX Playing Together
Trisha Gee discusses how Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot, Reactor, Kotlin, JavaFX, and MongoDB can work together.
Reactive Spring
Josh Long discusses Spring Framework 5 and its support for reactive programming.
Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux
Matt Raible explores techniques for making an application fully reactive with Spring WebFlux and React.
How Fast is Spring?
Dave Syer attempts to show, with the help of benchmarks, that the Spring Framework is not as slow as some say, and why some apps might have a longer start time.
Fun with the Functional Web Framework
Arjen Poutsma discusses Spring Framework 5: Predicates, Nesting routes, Route organization, and Filtering routes.
Flight of the Flux: A Look at Reactor Execution Model
Simon Baslé discusses `Flux` and `Mono` on the JVM, APIs and Reactive Stream, the Reactor execution model.
Modern Messaging with RabbitMQ, Spring Cloud and Reactor
Arnaud Cogoluègnes demos messaging apps built with RabbitMQ with Reactor on Spring Cloud. Code used in this talk is made available for download.