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SpringSource Brings Spring Framework to Android with Spring for Android 1.0
SpringSource has released Spring for Android 1.0. Spring for Android is an extension of the Spring Framework that helps simplify the development of native Android applications. This release features a REST client (RestTemplate) and OAuth support (Spring Social).
SpringSource Releases Version 1.0 Of Cloud Foundry Eclipse Plugin
SpringSource releases version 1.0 of CloudFoundry integration for Eclipse, allowing developers to manage CloudFoundry applications directly from the IDE. The plugin allows for managing and deployment of Cloud Foundry instances, binding of supported services such as database and viewing for remote files.
VMware Releases SQLFire 1.0
VMware releases SQLFire 1.0 a distributed SQL database geared towards high availability and horizontal scalability which offers table replication, table partitioning and parallel execution of queries.
SpringSource Releases Spring Data Redis 1.0.0
SpringSource has recently released Spring Data Redis, an abstraction over the existing Java Redis libraries that offers a unified API and easier Java Object serialization for Spring based applications.
Spring Social brings Social Connectivity to Java
SpringSource have released Spring Social, a set of APIs that connect to social providers such as Twitter, Facebook, and GitHub. As well as allowing users to post and access status/messages, it also provides a means to authenticate users against a web application using the social provider's identity and credentials.
Martin Lippert on the newly released SpringSource Tool Suite 2.6
Martin Lippert at VMWare's SpringSource recently announced the 2.6.0 and 2.6.1 releases of their Eclipse-based development environment for building Spring applications, SpringSource Tool Suite. InfoQ caught up with Martin to have him personally walk us through what developers can look forward to with this new release, and more.
Spring.NET Gets Visual Studio Add-in, CodeConfig, NuGet Packages
Spring.NET, the .NET counterpart of Spring Framework for Java has several new features through CodeConfig and a new Visual Studio extension meant for content-assist. The Spring.NET packages are also now distributed via NuGet, making it much easier for developers to manage dependencies when using them in their projects.
VMware Unveils Open Source PaaS Cloud Foundry
VMware has today announced the launch of an open source "Platform as a Service" (PaaS), Cloud Foundry.
Google & Spring Collaborate To Advance Cloud Java Development
VMware and Google today announced an early November 2010 'general availability' of their collaborative projects to move Java-based cloud development forward by bringing the Google Web Toolkit to Spring Roo, integrating Spring Insight with Google Speed Tracer, and incorporating Google Plugin for Eclipse into the Eclipse-based SpringSource Tool Suite.
SpringSource vFabric cloud application framework platform
While VMWare offering a new range of products to support its vision of enterprise cloud computing at VMWorld 2010 is interesting from an operations and user perspective, developer focus is on vFabric the Spring platform for developing and running cloud based applications. The goal is to provide the same convenience infrastructure for cloud applications as for spring based enterprise applications.
Spring Aiming to Bring Grails-like Productivity to GWT Application Development With Roo
VMWare, Google partnership delivers GWT integration to Spring Roo.
SpringSource Turns Its Focus to Distributed Data Caching with GemStone Acquisition
Today VMware announced the acquisition of GemStone Systems, Inc. GemStone will operate under VMware's Springsource division. Among Gemstone's products is the distributed Java caching GemFire. InfoQ sat down with SpringSource's Rod Johnson and Gemstone's Richard Lamb to discuss their plans going forward.
SpringSource Acquires RabbitMQ
VMware business unit SpringSource announced today that it had acquired Rabbit Technologies. Rabbit Technologies is the primary sponsor of the open source RabbitMQ messaging system.
Spring.NET 1.3: VS.NET Solution Templates, MSTest Support and Spring Integration.NET
A new version of the Spring.NET framework, version 1.3, was recently released. InfoQ spoke with Mark Pollack, founder and lead of the Spring.NET project, to learn more about this release and what new capabilities it brings, and also to learn more about the new Spring Integration.NET project.
Bundle.update: The Year of Modularity
A lot has happened since the last Bundle.update. SpringSource dm Server becomes an EPL project at Eclipse; a new book on OSGi and Equinox has been published; the OSGi Enterprise Expert Group is nearing completion; WebSphere has released an alpha based on Apache Aries; Maven Tycho is being used at Eclipse; Nimble facilitates OSGi runtimes, and ECF Remote Services are now complete.