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Moving a Large Swing-Based Geoscience Application to Eclipse
Mike Reyes and Mary Cole discuss the reasons for selecting Eclipse and RCP, how the move was made, challenges encountered during this move, and the benefits that have resulted from this change.
Building User Interfaces with Seesaw
Dave Ray introduces Seesaw, a user interface toolkit for Clojure built on top of Java Swing unifying various abstractions found in the Swing API for a more pleasant UI development.
Pouring Data on Troubled Markets - Quantitative Portfolio Management Technology at BGI
Eoin Woods explains how Barclays Global Investors (BGI) designed Apex to meet the challenges it faces and the Java technologies which were chosen for an architecture with variations on standard J2EE.
Building a Large Scale SaaS Application
Dan Hanley, at QCon London 2008 addresses the challenges of building large scale SaaS applications. Using examples from three Magus application frameworks, Dan exposes principles of SaaS development.
JRuby: Not Just Another JVM Language
Charles Nutter discusses JRuby features, the JRuby compiler, calling between Java and JRuby, Swing and JRuby, JRuby web applications, JRuby on Rails, persistence, build automation, TDD and BDD.
An Overview of Desktop Java Technologies in Today's RIA World
Scott Delap provides an overview of Swing and Eclipse RCP technologies in today's world of RIA & desktop applications including when to use Java for the client vs. Ajax, Flex, OpenLazslo.