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  • Tim Bray on the Future of the Web

    Tim Bray talks about why he is not convinced with the buzz surrounding Rich Internet Applications and shares his ideas on Cloud Computing. He also expresses his opinion regarding the debate REST vs. WS-* and the future directions web technologies will be taking.

    Tim Bray on the Future of the Web
  • Ian Robinson discusses REST, WS-* and Implementing an SOA

    In this interview from QCon San Francisco 2008, Ian Robinson discusses REST vs. WS-*, REST contracts, WADL, how to approach company-wide SOA initiatives, how an SOA changes a company, SOA and Agile, tool support for REST, reuse and foreseeing client needs, versioning and the future of REST-based services in enterprise SOA development.

    Ian Robinson discusses REST, WS-* and Implementing an SOA
  • Mark Little on Transactions, Web Services and REST

    In this interview, recorded at QCon London 2008, Red Hat Director of Standards and Technical Development Manager for the SOA platform Mark Little talks about extended transaction models, the history of transaction standardization, their role for web services and loosely coupled systems, and the possibility of an end to the Web services vs. REST debate.

    Mark Little on Transactions, Web Services and REST
  • Pete Lacey on REST and Web Services

    In this interview, recorded at QCon San Francisco, (then) Burton Group consultant Pete Lacey talks to Stefan Tilkov about the reasons for his disillusionment SOAP and his opinions on how to best achieve loose coupling. Pete also describes the ideas behind REST, and addresses some of its perceived shortcomings. Finally, he discusses cases wher SOAP/WS-* or RESTful HTTP might be more appropriate.

    Pete Lacey on REST and Web Services
  • CORBA Guru Steve Vinoski on REST, Web Services, and Erlang

    In this interview, recorded at QCon San Francisco 2007, CORBA Guru Steve Vinoski talks to Stefan Tilkov about his appreciation for REST, occasions when he would still use CORBA and the role of description languages for distributed systems. Other topics covered include the benefits of knowing many programming languages, and the usefulness of of Erlang to build distributed systems.

    CORBA Guru Steve Vinoski on REST, Web Services, and Erlang
  • Sanjiva Weerawarana on Open Source SOA Middleware

    In this interview, Stefan Tilkov talks to Sanjiva Weerawarana about web services and REST, about core standards that are essential for web services standards, open source SOA tooling, scripting languages and web services, and the strategy of WSO2 in providing open source middleware.

    Sanjiva Weerawarana on Open Source SOA Middleware
  • Paul Fremantle on the State of WS-*

    In this interview, Paul Fremantle, WSO2 co-founder co-chair of the OASIS committee that standardized WS-Reliable Messaging, talks to Stefan Tilkov about the state and relative importance of web services standards, the role of open source software for SOA, his views on the eternal REST debate, and WSO2's business model.

    Paul Fremantle on the State of WS-*
  • BT's Chief WS Architect Paul Downey on "Loving the Web"

    In this interview, recorded at QCon London, Stefan Tilkov talks to Paul Downey, Chief Web Services Architect for BT, about Web services standards, Paul's work in the XML Databinding working group, WS-* vs. REST, and cool stuff BT offers to developers.

    BT's Chief WS Architect Paul Downey on "Loving the Web"
  • Jim Webber on "Guerilla SOA"

    In this interview, recorded at QCon London, Jim Webber, ThoughtWorks SOA practice leader talks to Stefan Tilkov about Guerilla SOA, a lightweight approach to SOA that does not rely on big middleware products, a message-oriented architectural style called MEST and its differences to REST, and the SOAP Service Description Language (SSDL).

    Jim Webber on "Guerilla SOA"
  • Tim Bray on Rails, REST, XML, Java, and More

    InfoQ Ruby editor Obie Fernandez interviews Tim Bray, one of the inventors of XML and current Director of Web Technologies for Sun Microsystems. We cover varied topics such as his opinions about Ruby and Rails, the impact of dynamic languages on web development, static versus dynamic typing, Sun's support of the JRuby project, Atom, and WS-* versus REST approaches to systems integration.

    Tim Bray on Rails, REST, XML, Java, and More