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  • As-a-Service Approaching Parity with Traditional Offerings

    "as-a-Service" offerings are approaching parity with the more traditional software models on the market. Recent developments from both new and well established vendors in areas such as SaaS applications, infrastructure, cloud computing, development tools, runtime platforms, and configuration have increased the functionality, and perhaps the acceptance, of "as-a-Service" among more clients.

  • Adobe and the Future of Software

    Adobe has been up to some interesting things of late from their work with Adobe Flex, to their efforts on the Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR), and their recent announcement that they intend to move all of their software to the web in a model know as Software as a Service (SaaS).

  • High abstraction level of DSLs to reduce the testing burden?

    Inconsistencies between the user interface and user’s expectations can be an important source of bugs. According to Leonardo Vernazza, this is due the fact that the user and the UI do not talk the same language. Using a DSL, characterized by a high abstraction level, would be instrumental for avoiding the risk of translation errors and would therefore reduce the testing burden.

  • Metastorm Aquires Proforma

    Metastorm, the maker of the Metastorm BPM Suite, has acquired Proforma, an Enterprise Architecture/Process Modeling tool vendor. The acquisition makes Metastorm one of the few vendors able to offer BPM and EA Modeling together.

  • Facebook learns from MySpace mistakes

    Today there are 3845 applications on Facebook. Why are so many developers attracted to the Facebook platform? One of the answers is that Facebook learned from the mistakes that MySpace made.

  • Does Hosted Team Foundation Server Make Sense?

    Hosted infrastructure often makes sense for companies, especially small ones with modest needs. For less than $20/month, one can get an ASP.NET or Apache co-hosting complete with a MySQL or SQL Server database. But does it make sense for other services like source control?

  • Promising Your Way to Agility

    In Harvard Business Online this week, Donald L Sull and Charles Spinosa wrote about the practice Promise Based Management - using promised commitments in the organisation to enable organisational agiity, encourage entrepreneurship and stimulate collaboration.

  • A Disciplined Approach to Agile Adoption

    Ahmed Sidky and James D. Arthur present an Agile Adoption Framework. Attempting to provide a structured, repeatable and measurable framework for adopting Agile processes in a software development organization.

  • Mingle from ThoughtWorks is Big Win for JRuby

    In what may turn out to be an interesting foreshadowing of the future of Ruby, ThoughtWorks Studios announces that their upcoming Agile IT project management application, Mingle, will be the world’s first commercial application to run on JRuby.

  • Predictions: The Changing World of IT Work

    In a recent Datamation article, James Maguire noted the challenge of staying employed in an environment in which the rules are continually rewritten. He spoke with Gartner analyst Diane Morello for 5 predictions for those of us thinking about career directions over the next five years.

  • Offshore Outsourcing with Scrum

    Swedish consulting firm Softhouse recently published the second part of an interview with Jeff Sutherland, in which he describes how one company used Scrum to integrate with an offshore development team.

  • Agile Methods and Startup Companies

    Jessica Livingston's much anticipated book Founders at Work is finally available, featuring numerous interviews with successful entrepreneurs, including Steve Wozniak, David Heinemeier Hansson and Paul Graham. Although not targeted at agile software developers, anyone familiar with agile methods will recognize the advice on how to build software.

  • How Many Rubies Does the Future Hold?

    RubyConf 2006 still fresh in their memory, some Rubyists are beginning to wonder if the future of Ruby includes fragmentation, particularly given the large number of competing and potentially-incompatible platforms in development.

  • Study: Co-Located Teams vs. the Cubicle Farm

    Many trainers agree that co-location is essential to really see the benefits of Agile, but proof of this has been largely anecdotal. On the ScrumDevelopment list recently, an interesting conversation was launched when a member pointed out a study conducted at a Fortune 50 auto maker, comparing productivity gains in collaborative workspaces versus traditional cubicle culture projects.

  • Discovering the Patterns of Web 2.0

    Tim O'Reilly recently held a workshop to discuss the emerging patterns of Web 2.0. The goal of the workshop was to build on his paper What is Web 2.0. Notable attendees included Martin Fowler, Bill Scott from Yahoo, Cal Henderson form Flickr, and Sandy Jen from Meebo. Gregor Hophe summarizd some of the key findings.