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InfoQ Homepage Refactoring Content on InfoQ

  • Rails 2.3.3 Released and the State of Rails 3.0 and Merb

    Rails 2.3.3 is now available. Among the usual bug fixes, it adds a few new features like ActiveRecord touch functionality and some JSON related API changes. Also: a look at what's up with Rails 3 and Merb 1.1.

  • Rescuing Your Ruby on Rails Projects

    Ruby on Rails has been around for about 5 years and in those years developers have created a lot of applications. Many of those applications were created while learning Ruby and Ruby on Rails and may not have used the best practices but yet made it into production web sites. These web applications can be problematical but a new book focused on the solution is available.

  • Stop and Refactor?

    When should you refactor? There are times when you simply need to pay down technical debt - you should stop and refactor. No, you should only refactor when one is working on a User Story. Which advice is best? Is there, perhaps, a third option?

  • An Agile Approach to Code Reuse

    A recent discussion on the Extreme Programming Yahoo Group explored the apparent conflict between making software reusable and the XP practice of not writing code until it is needed. Ron Jeffries and others shared insights about the costs and benefits of code reuse, as well as how and when to do it in an agile environment.

  • ReSharper 4.5 Beta Promises Better Performance

    A few days ago ReSharper 4.5 Beta was released by JetBrains. This new version promise better performance and less memory consumption. New features include VB9 support, native MSTest support, "Go to Implementation" and improved compatibility with F#, Compact Framework and Silverlight.

  • RFactor: Ruby Refactoring Support for Text Editors

    RFactor is a Ruby refactoring tool that aims to bring automated refactoring support to text editors. We talked to its developer Fabio Kung to learn how it works and what's planned for the future.

  • "Good Design" Means ...?

    It's not news that at the heart of successful software systems (and, frankly, fulfilling software careers) is good design. Also not news is that defining what "good design" really means has been at the heart of many debates, papers, talks, books, discussions, and more for ages. To help, J.B. Rainsberger and Scott Bellware offer some advice to follow until that one true definition comes along.

  • CodeRush Xpress for C# Freely Available

    DevExpress has announced the availability of CodeRush Xpress for C#, a free add-in for Visual Studio 2008. CodeRush Xpress offers code navigation features like Highlight All References, Smart Clipboard Operations, Generate from Using (TDD), and 25 code refactoring features like Make Explicit, Make Implicit, Name Anonymous Type, and others.

  • Interview with Clone Detective's Immo Landwerth

    We interviewed Immo Landwerth of the open source project Clone Detective for Visual Studio. This project leverages ConQAT to analyze C# code for duplication.

  • A Fresh Look at 'Technical Debt'

    A Technical Debt Workshop was recently held to improve our industry's understanding of and approach to "technical debt", resulting in some interesting ideas. Among them, changing our perception of the problem to focus on "assets" rather than "debt", an idea now receiving quite a bit of attention by people such as Michael Feathers and Brian Marick.

  • Debunking Common Refactoring Misconceptions

    In comparison to Java, an emphasis on continuous refactoring is still relatively new in .NET. Besides having few ardent proponents, many myths linger around what refactoring really is and how it applies to the development process in general. Danijel Arsenovski, author of Professional Refactoring in Visual Basic, attempts to dispel some of these myths.

  • JetBrains Releases ReSharper 4.0 with Many Improvements, C# 3.0 Support

    JetBrains has released the much-anticipated productivity Visual Studio add-in, ReSharper 4.0. Resharper 4.0 includes many improvements and new features.

  • Interview: Michael Stal on Architecture Refactoring

    In this interview, Michael Stal describes what architecture refactoring is about and how it relates to both code refactoring and patterns. He describes some architectural refactorings by giving real work examples from his work as Siemens, and he elaborates on some situations where you may want to avoid doing this kind of refactorings.

  • TDD: Essential Skill or Architectural Landmine?

    At JAOO '07 Bob Martin asserted: "it is irresponsible for a developer to ship a line of code he has not executed in a unit test." In this InfoQ video, Martin debated with another well respected software thought leader, Jim Coplien, on this and other topics, including Design by Contract vs. TDD and how much up-front architecture is needed to keep a system consistent with the business domain model.

  • Continuous Integration And Version Control for Databases

    After asserting that one must, as a rule, always version their database work, Scott Allen detailed an approach to making the best of versioning databases. Allen presented a comprehensive, practical approach to creating a baseline, using change scripts to manage schematic revisions, controlling programmatic database objects, and handling branching and merging.