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  • Jetty 7.0 released

    The release of Jetty 7.0 was announced today and is available for download from its new home at as well as via the maven repository. This version represents an evolution of Jetty 6.0, and represents a significant reorganisation of the codebase as well as numerous performance improvements. In addition, the Continuation API is now portable across different servers.

  • Intalio acquires Webtide, makers of Jetty

    Intalio, Inc., the Enterprise Cloud Company, announced the acquisition of Webtide, the team behind the Jetty open source Java application server. Jetty is currently used on millions of web servers, and powers products such as Cisco SESM, Google AppEngine, Google GWT, HP OpenView, IBM Tivoli NetView, Oracle WebLogic Business Connect, Sybase EAServer, and Yahoo! Zimbra.

  • Google Chose Jetty for App Engine

    Google App Engine was initially using Apache Tomcat as their webserver/servlet container but eventually switched to Jetty.

  • Jetty at Eclipse

    Jetty is in the process of moving to the Eclipse foundation. At EclipseCon 2009, Greg Wilkins gave an update of why it is moving, what impact it will have, and plans for the future.

  • Apache Tuscany Java SCA 2.0 M1 Released

    The Apache Tuscany team announced the release of 2.0 M1 of the Java Service Component Architecture (SCA) project. SCA defines a technology neutral component and assembly model for business application developers to focus on implementing the business logic and composing them into business solutions without worrying about the technology concerns.

  • Servlet 3.0 Public Review Sparks a Debate

    JSR-315 has produced a Public Review (PR) of the Servlet 3.0 specification, accompanied by a reference implementation in the GlassFish trunk. This release has resulted in a debate around the choices that the Expert Group (EG) has taken for the next generation Servlet APIs and the whole of the Java EE 6 platform.

  • Article: Application Integration Through Mail Servers

    In this article, a book excerpt from Open Source ESB in Action, Tijs Rademakers and Jos Dirksen present a way of integrating applications through mail servers when speed and performance are not paramount. The article shows how to use SMTP and POP3 protocols from Mule and ServiceMix to communicate back and forth with Apache James, an open source mail server.

  • Apache Solr: Extensible, Clustered Search Server Built on Lucene

    The Apache Solr project, an open source enterprise search server based on Apache Lucene, recently released version 1.3. InfoQ spoke with Solr creator Yonik Seeley to learn more about this release, and also about what capabilities Solr offers to end users.

  • Presentation: Voca, UK's largest payment processing engine running Spring

    In this presentation from QCon London 2007, William Soo and Meeraj Kunnumpurath discuss the Voca transaction processing system architecture, the previous Mainframe-based architecture, architectural challenges and requirements, the new Spring and J2EE-based architecture, upcoming challenges for Voca, and technologies to watch for in the future.

  • New Options for .NET-Java Web Services Interoperability

    When it comes to web services interoperability between .NET and Java, the choice used to be limited to SOAP over HTTP. Two new options recently became available in this area: WebSphere MQ (WMQ) and ActiveMQ transports can now be used for building interoperable web services between Java and .NET.

  • Comet: Sub-Second Latency with 10K+ Concurrent Users

    Comet - technology that allows a sever to send over HTTP a message to the client when an event occurs, without the client having to explicitly request it - has been considered by some to scale poorly in the past. Recent tests using Cometd and Jetty as well as Lightstreamer production implementations prove the opposite.

  • Using Axis2 for Asynchronous Web Services

    A new article by Eran Chinthaka, Develop asynchronous Web services with Axis2, provides several examples of using the asynchronous APIs of Axis2 in client and server side applications.

  • Article: Open Source WS Stacks for Java - Design Goals and Philosophy

    InfoQ's Stefan Tilkov questioned lead developers of Apache Axis2, Apache CXF, Spring Web Services, JBossWS and and Sun’s Metro about their design goals, their approach towards Java and Web services standards, data binding, accessing XML, interoperability, REST support, and framework maturity. The results revealed many similarities and some noteworthy differences.

  • Apache Geronimo 2.0: Certified Java EE 5 compatible

    Apache Geronimo, an open-source Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) application server, recently released version 2.0.1. InfoQ took the opportunity to learn more about Apache Geronimo and where it fits into the application server space.

  • Apache Derby Releases 10.3 Beta and Gains Experimental Hot Standby Replication

    The Apache Derby project has made a beta available of the upcoming 10.3 release. The 10.3 release includes security enhancements, language-based ordering, other features, bug fixes, and performance enhancements. Egil Sørensen, a student at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, has also submitted his MS thesis work to add hot standby replication functionality to Derby.