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Apache Spark Brings Pandas API with Version 3.2
The Apache Spark team has integrated the Pandas API in the product's latest 3.2 release. With this change, dataframe processing can be scaled to multiple clusters or multiple processors in a single machine using the PySpark execution engine.
AWS Announces Customizable Image Support for Amazon EMR on EKS
Recently, AWS announced customizable image support for Amazon EMR on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) that allows customers to modify the Docker runtime image that runs their analytics application using Apache Spark on their EKS cluster.
Airbnb Builds Himeji - a Scalable Centralized Authorization System
Airbnb recently described how it built Himeji, a scalable centralized authorization system. Himeji stores permissions data and performs permission checks as a central source of truth. It uses a sharded and replicated in-memory cache to improve performance and lower latencies and has served checks in production for about a year.
Designing for Failure in the BBC's Analytics Platform
Last week at InfoQ Live, Blanca Garcia-Gil, principal systems engineer at BBC, gave a session on Evolving Analytics in the Data Platform. During this session, Garcia-Gil focused on how her team prepared and designed for two types of failure - "known unknowns" and "unknown unknowns."
Google Brings Databricks to Its Cloud Platform
Recently Google announced a partnership with Databricks to bring their fully-managed Apache Spark offering and data lake capabilities to Google Cloud. The offering will become available as Databricks on Google Cloud.
Microsoft Releases .NET for Apache Spark 1.0
Last month, Microsoft released the first major version of .NET for Apache Spark, an open-source package that brings .NET development to the Apache Spark platform. The new release allows .NET developers to write Apache Spark applications using .NET user-defined functions, Spark SQL, and additional libraries such as Microsoft Hyperspace and ML.NET.
Accelerating Machine Learning Lifecycle with a Feature Store
Feature Store is a core part of next generation ML platforms that empowers data scientists to accelerate the delivery of ML applications. Mike Del Balso and Geoff Sims recently spoke at Spark AI Summit 2020 Conference about the feature store driven ML development.
Spark AI Summit 2020 Highlights: Innovations to Improve Spark 3.0 Performance
At the recent Spark AI Summit 2020, held online for the first time, the highlights of the event were innovations to improve Apache Spark 3.0 performance, including optimizations for Spark SQL, and GPU acceleration.
Boosting Apache Spark with GPUs and the RAPIDS Library
At the 2019 Spark AI Summit Europe conference, NVIDIA software engineers Thomas Graves and Miguel Martinez hosted a session on Accelerating Apache Spark by Several Orders of Magnitude with GPUs and RAPIDS Library. InfoQ recently talked with Jim Scott, head of developer relations at NVIDIA, to learn more about accelerating Apache Spark with GPUs and the RAPIDS library.
Databricks' Unified Analytics Platform Supports AutoML Toolkit
Databricks recently announced the Unified Data Analytics Platform, including an automated machine learning tool called AutoML Toolkit. The toolkit can be used to automate various steps of the data science workflow.
Google Releases Cloud Dataproc for Kubernetes in Alpha
Google Cloud Dataproc is an open-source data and analytic processing service based on Hadoop and Spark. Google has recently announced the alpha availability of Cloud Dataproc for Kubernetes, which provides customers with a more efficient method to process data across platforms.
ApacheCon 2019 Keynote: Google Cloud Enhances Big-Data Processing with Kubernetes
At ApacheCon North America, Christopher Crosbie gave a keynote talk title "Yet Another Resource Negotiator for Big Data? How Google Cloud is Enhancing Data Lake Processing with Kubernetes." He highlighted Google's efforts to make Apache big-data software "cloud native" by developing open-source Kubernetes Operators to provide control planes for running Apache software in a Kubernetes cluster.
Data Engineering in Badoo: Handling 20 Billion Events Per Day
Badoo is a dating social network that currently handles billions of events per day, explains Vladimir Kazanov, data platform engineering lead. At Skills Matter, he talked through some of the challenges of operating at this scale, and what tooling Badoo uses in order to process and report on this data.
Expo: Real Time A/B Testing and Monitoring with Spark Streaming and Kafka at Walmart Labs
The WalmartLabs engineering team developed a real time A/B testing tool called Expo that collects and analyzes user engagement metrics. It uses Spark Structured Streaming to process the incoming data and stores the metrics in KairosDB.
Databricks Open Sources Delta Lake to Make Data Lakes More Reliable
Databricks recently announced open sourcing Delta Lake, their proprietary storage layer, to bring ACID transactions to Apache Spark and big data workloads. Databricks is the company behind the creators of Apache Spark, while Delta Lake is already being used in several companies like McAffee, Upwork etc . Delta Lake is addressing the heterogeneous data problem that data lakes often have...