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  • Architectural Retrospectives: the Key to Getting Better at Architecting

    The purpose of an architectural retrospective is to use experience to help the development team improve their architecting skills and their way of working as they make architectural decisions. This is different than traditional architecture reviews which are focused on improving the architecture.

  • Beyond the Numbers: Decoding Metrics for Assessing Client-Side Engineer Impact

    This article will delve into metrics that can be used for assessing the impact of client-side engineers. Our aim is to provide a more comprehensive perspective that can be useful when developing performance assessment guides for organizations building full-stack software, ensuring a more balanced and fair evaluation of engineers’ contributions and impact.

  • [R]Evolutionize Your Retrospectives with Active Sensemaking

    High-quality retrospecting involves embracing unique individual experiences, acknowledging human limitations and biases, and sharing context-rich anecdotes through storytelling within and beyond team boundaries. This article explores how Active Sensemaking can prevent tension or apathy and foster a more productive and harmonious team environment.

  • Assessing Organizational Culture to Drive SRE Adoption 

    SRE adoption is greatly influenced by the organizational culture at hand. This article describes how to assess the organizational culture in terms of production operations at the beginning of the SRE transformation. It provides a roadmap of small culture changes accumulating over time, and shows how the leadership facilitated the necessary culture changes

  • Embracing Agile Values as a Tech and People Lead

    Having worked as a software developer, the agile community has been a great source of inspiration to me to find better ways of working. In my first leadership role, I incorporated the agile mindset which helped me to get everyone working towards a joint goal: refactoring an inherited codebase for scalability, while enabling cross functional teams to work as autonomously as possible.

  • Building Your Own Agile Team Maturity Assessment

    An agile maturity assessment can help teams come to a common understanding of what agile maturity looks like and what steps they can take to get there. In this article, we are going to dive into the value of assessing things, with concrete examples you can use, and will help you learn how to build an assessment for your teams and/or organization that is fit-for-purpose.

  • Inspect & Adapt – Digging into Our Foundations of Agility

    Inspecting and adapting are fundamentals in agile practices. Yet, there are wide interpretations of how either is done well. It is a matter of our heart and soul – but the answer lies between our ears. In this article, we invite you to dip your toe into the deep waters of the internal inspect & adapt mechanisms. This article can be summarised in four words: Think. And think again.

  • Surviving Zombie Scrum

    The book Zombie Scrum Survival Guide by Christiaan Verwijs, Johannes Schartau, and Barry Overeem aims to support teams that are stuck in Zombie Scrum. It helps them to understand why things are the way they are and provide them with experiments to get out of this state of Zombie Scrum by enabling collaboration with stakeholders, working increments, autonomy for teams, and continuous improvement.

  • Q&A on the Book Retrospectives Antipatterns

    Using the familiar “patterns” approach, the book Retrospectives Antipatterns by Aino Vonge Corry describes unfortunate situations that can sometimes happen in retrospectives. For each situation, described as an antipattern, it also provides solutions for dealing with the situation; this can be a way to solve the problem directly or avoid similar problems in future retrospectives.

  • Changes in the 2020 Scrum Guide: Q&A with Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland

    The Scrum Guide has been updated to make it less prescriptive, using simpler language to address a wider audience. These changes have been done to make Scrum a “lightweight framework that helps people, teams and organizations generate value through adaptive solutions for complex problems”. An interview with Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland about the changes to the guide.

  • Dealing with Remote Team Challenges

    Remote working provides challenges such as providing equitable access, ensuring adequate resources and tooling, addressing social isolation and issues of trust. Remote-first and truly asynchronous teams tend to consistently perform better. In the future, organisations will continue to have remote on their agenda. Fully realising the benefits of remote teams requires trust building and intent.

  • Kick-off Your Transformation by Imagining It Had Failed

    Large scale change initiatives have a worryingly high failure rate, the chief reason for which is that serious risks are not identified early. One way to create the safety needed for everyone to speak openly about the risks they see is by running a pre-mortem. In a pre-mortem, we assume that the transformation had already failed and walk backward from there to investigate what led to the failure.