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AnyPresence Soups-up Enterprise MBaaS Platform:Part 2 of 2
There is so much to learn about the latest Mobile Backend as a Service provider AnyPresence's 5.0 platform geared for the enterprise that this second post was needed. Co-founder Rich Mendis provides further insight for InfoQ readers…
AnyPresence Soups up Enterprise MBaaS Platform- Part 1 of 2
Mobile Backend as a Service provider AnyPresence continues to hone their chops. Launching the fifth update to their self-titled platform geared for the enterprise. Co-founder Rich Mendis provides some insights for InfoQ readers…
Terracotta's BigMemory 4.0 and In-Genius Products Offer Real-time Insights From Big Data Sources
Terracotta’s BigMemory 4.0 and In-Genius products offer real-time analytics and insights from Big Data sources and integration with Hadoop. Terracotta recently announced the release of the new version of in-memory data platform BigMemory and In-Genius, an in-memory intelligence platform for Big Data.
Terracotta BigMemory 3.7: Multi-Terabyte Support, Improved Search, Enhanced Security
Terracotta Inc has released BigMemory 3.7, an off-heap store snap-in for Enterprise Ehcache. BigMemory speeds up applications by keeping data in memory, without the long garbage collection pauses that is common for large JVM heap sizes. New in this version is support for multi-terabyte servers, lower search indexing overhead, and enhanced security.