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Insights from History of Rock Music via Machine Learning
Ali Kheyrollahi uses clustering and network analysis algorithms to analyze the publicly available Wiki data on rock music to find mathematical relationship between artists, trends and subgenres.
Why Building the Right Thing Means Building the Thing Right
Liz Keogh takes a look at why experimentation underpins everything done in technology, and why it is necessary to be able to move and change the right thing.
Beyond Lists
Phillip Trelford shows through live demos data structures that are orders of magnitude more performant than lists.
The Simple Life of ReSTful Microservices
Sebastien Lambla explores how complexity can be reduced to its smallest cohesive parts, communication normalized through evolvable contracts, ReSTful and event-driven interfaces.
The Lightning Memory-mapped Database
Howard Chu discusses the Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB) design and architecture, and its impact on other projects such as OpenLDAP.
The Raft Consensus Algorithm
Diego Ongaro introduces Raft, a consensus algorithm for managing a replicated log by separating the key elements of consensus and reducing the number of states that must be considered.
Service Discovery and Clustering for .NET developers
Ian Cooper looks at Service Discovery and Clustering approaches and tools, and shows .NET developers how to work with tools such as Serf, Consul, and Zookeeper.
Trench Talk: Models and Friends
Yves Reynhout discusses models, how they're created and tested against scenarios, how they're useful, what distinguishes them from others, how they're visualized and communicated, etc.
5 Anti-Patterns in Designing APIs
Ali Kheyrollahi elaborates on the Client-Server tenet of REST which focuses on separation of concerns and responsibilities between the client and the server.
Logging Makes Perfect - Real-world Monitoring and Visualizations
Itamar Syn-Hershko shows using various technologies -Storm, Node.js, Riemann, collectd, D3.js, ELK, PagerDuty, Slack - to power Forter’s service and keep it highly available and under control.
Great User Experience Through Dual-Track Scrum
Aurimas Adomavicius discusses metrics of great User Experience for the enterprise, the dual-track Scrum model, common pitfalls, lessons learned, and quantifying the success of a project.
Categories for the Working Programmer
Jeremy Gibbons discusses how categories can help the working functional programmer, focusing on categories as an organizing principle that helps managing generic libraries.