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InfoQ Homepage Business Agility Content on InfoQ

  • Organizational Refactoring at Mango

    To increase agility, companies can descale themselves into value centers in charge of a business strategic initiative, with end-to-end responsibility and with full access to the information regarding customer needs. You need to create spaces where people can cross-collaborate and learn, using for instance self-organized improvement circles, Communities of Practice or an internal Open Source model.

  • Recognitions of 2018 World Agility Announced

    The 2018 world agility recognitions have been announced by the World Agility Forum. Next to regional recognitions for companies in Europe, Africa, and America, there are also recognitions for creativity agility, agile in defense, team agility, personal agility, and lifetime agility.

  • Leading within: Evolving into Agility

    Adaptive organizations rely on horizontal leadership where awareness is a fundamental quality for leadership. When we are able to really listen with curiosity, empathy and courage, then our listening changes our perceptions, our relationships, and therefore, our environment.

  • How No and Low Code Approaches Support Business Users and Professional Developers

    No code approaches aim to support business users in developing and maintaining their own applications, where low code simplifies the developer’s work and makes them more productive. Both approaches enable faster development at lower costs. As the distinction between these approaches is becoming smaller, business users and developers can team up and use them together.

  • Spanning the Business and Technology Divide: A Talk with UBS, LBG and ITV

    Prior to this year’s DevOps Enterprise Summit in London, InfoQ hosted a video panel sponsored by IT Revolution and featuring speakers from the DevOps Enterprise Summit Events: Jelena Laketic from UBS, Mark Howell from Lloyds Banking Group and Tom Clark from ITV.

  • Game Changing Beliefs for Knowledge Working Organizations

    Game changing beliefs carry the strength of the strongest walls to shape our behavior. The beliefs we choose to take on in our professional work are a leverage point. They can help us to change the culture and behavior in organizations to increase agility.

  • The Future of Work - Morning Sessions from Agile People Sweden

    The fifth Agile People Sweden Conference is being held on October 23 and 24 in Stockholm. The 2017 conference theme is: The Future of Work - Scaling Agile to Improve Worklife. The Monday morning sessions explored agility scales, enterprise wide agility with sociocracy, and self organization.

  • Paradoxes in Culture Change

    Organizations should realize that organizational culture is an important factor in increasing agility, and then act on this realization. The desired organizational culture must be promoted by example top down; what is happening at the top of the organization concerning values, communication and customer involvement will predict what will happen in the "underlying" layers of the organization.

  • Cloud Migrations, Highly Regulated Environments, and Making Work Visible: DOES17 London Day Two

    At the London DevOps Enterprise Summit 2017 (DOES17) conference, the second morning of keynotes discussed the role DevOps plays when migrating to cloud platforms; the creation and cultivation of effective teams that must work within high-regulatory environments; and how to improve the flow of business value by making work visible.

  • Inaugural Business Agility Conference Considered Successful

    The inaugural Business Agility conference was recently held in New York. Over 330 people attended the sold-out event, and the response from participants and speakers emphasizes the importance of culture and mindset in adopting agile thinking across the whole organisation, and how important business agility is for success in today's volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous business environment.

  • Bringing the Domain Back to Software Development

    If you read the business press of today, you will find that the business side of the world sees IT as an impediment that holds them back. To overcome this, we need to shift focus from the machines to the domains and start reading and learning about the domains we are working in, David West noted in his presentation at the recent DDD Europe Conference in Amsterdam.

  • CA Technologies CEO Says "Built To Change is the New Paradigm"

    CA Technologies CEO Mike Gregoire opened the recent CA World conference predicting that successful companies of the future will be “Built To Change” by putting software at the center of everything they do, and that they need to be "built to change" from the ground up with software as the primary enabler of competitive advantage. He gave examples of the impact of this disruption.

  • Overcoming Paradigms to Become Truly Agile

    Truly agile is what you are, and to become agile you need to overcome paradigms, argues Arie van Bennekum, co-author of the agile manifesto. It takes "being agile" and not "doing agile" to achieve success. Agile is an interaction concept based on the values and principles of the agile manifesto. Technology facilitates agile working, but tools don’t make you agile.

  • Kevin Miyashiro on Agilility Readiness Canvas

    Kevin Miyashiro describes Agilility Readiness Canvas and its benefits to an organization.

  • Becoming a Responsive Enterprise

    Software-driven companies are taking over the world because they are responsive organizations, built on 'sense and respond' instead of 'plan and predict'. In the next decade every large scale organization will be digitized and will effectively become a software-driven enterprise. Vikram Kapoor, CEO at Prowareness, explored how organizations can increase their responsiveness.