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  • Java 9 Will Remove CORBA from Default Classpath

    As part of the ongoing transition to the module system, CORBA and other Java EE modules won't be included in the default classpath from Java 9 onwards. These modules will still be available, but specific command line flags will have to be used to be able to use them. The change will only affect non-modular applications targeting Java 9, for modular ones already need to indicate their dependencies.

  • Google Introduces Binary Encoding Format: Protocol Buffers

    Google caused a stir by releasing Protocol Buffers, a binary serialization format. We take a look at what exactly Protocol Buffers are and what alternatives are available in ASN.1 or Facebook's Thrift.

  • Interview: CORBA Guru Steve Vinoski on REST, Web Services, and Erlang

    In a new interview, recorded at QCon San Francisco 2007, CORBA Guru Steve Vinoski talks to Stefan Tilkov about his appreciation for REST, occasions when he would still use CORBA and the role of description languages for distributed systems. Other topics covered include the benefits of knowing many programming languages, and the usefulness of of Erlang to build distributed systems.

  • SOA Coverage on Software Engineering Radio

    Software Engineering Radio, a podcast for professional developers, has an extensive coverage of SOA, including interviews with Werner Vogels, Steve Vinoski, Gregor Hohpe, and Michael Stal.

  • InfoQ Interview: Tim Bray on Rails, REST, Java Dynamic Languages, and More

    InfoQ Ruby editor Obie Fernandez interviews Tim Bray, one of the inventors of XML and current Director of Web Technologies for Sun Microsystems. We cover varied topics such as his opinions about Ruby and Rails, the impact of dynamic languages on web development, static versus dynamic typing, Sun's support of the JRuby project, Atom, and WS-* versus REST approaches to systems integration.

  • The Rise and Fall of CORBA

    CORBA guru Michi Henning analyzes the reasons for CORBA's (perceived or real) failure and puts blame on the standardization process.