InfoQ Homepage CQRS Content on InfoQ
It's All about Delivering: A Journey from AWS to Cloud Foundry
Daniel Basten discusses how Talanx adopted the Axon Framework and moved from AWS to PCF.
Bootiful CQRS and Event Sourcing with Axon Framework
Allard Buijze discusses using Spring Boot's autoconfiguration and Axon's separation of business logic and infrastructure concerns to set up a CQRS and Event Sourcing application.
Building Cloud-Native Data-Intensive Applications with Spring
Sabby Anandan and Soby Chako discuss how Spring Cloud Stream and Kafka Streams can support Event Sourcing and CQRS patterns.
JDBC, What Is It Good For?
Thomas Risberg reviews what has been happening in the world of JDBC lately and how it fits with the latest trends like Reactive, Non-Blocking APIs, Microservices, CQRS and Event Sourcing.
Deconstructing Monoliths with Domain-driven Design
This talk explains how Liberty Mutual changed a monolithic app into an event-driven microservices based architecture implemented with Event Sourcing and CQRS.
Building Enterprise Cache Based on CQRS
Komes Subramaniam discusses building a system that is implementing the CQRS pattern with a presentation friendly data model.
Where Does Apache Geode Fit in CQRS Architectures?
Eitan Suez explores the question: Where does Geode fit in an organization's system architecture, suggesting one particular fit for Geode in the context of a CQRS architecture.
Building Microservices with Event Sourcing and CQRS
Michael Ploed talks about the distributed data management challenges that arise in a microservices architecture and how they can be solved using event sourcing in an event-driven architecture.
Building and Deploying Microservices with Event Sourcing, CQRS and Docker
Chris Richardson shares his experiences developing and deploying a microservices-based application.
The Sweet Spot
Alberto Brandolini discusses how the Theory of Constraints, Kanban, CQRS, Domain-Driven Design, EventStorming and UX blend together to solve the real problems in software development.
Finance's Forgotten Treasure: an Introduction to CQRS & Axon
Allard Buijze introduces CQRS and related concepts along with case studies showing how it is used in finance, gaming and healthcare to meet the demands of modern web-based applications.
CQRS with Erlang
Bryan Hunter introduces CQRS and one of its implementations done in Erlang, outlining the areas where Erlang shines.