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  • Debugging Single Page Web Apps with Michael Mahemoff

    Chrome Developer Advocate Michael Mahemoff, talks about the importance of single page web apps and the challenges that developers have to face while building them. He elaborates on developer tools, debugging techniques, Chrome Web Store and the future of web apps.

    Debugging Single Page Web Apps with Michael Mahemoff
  • Brad Abrams on Google, Spring Tools Integration

    In this interview Google tools honcho from Brad Abrams talks about how Google tools integrate with Spring tools to help make Java developers’ lives easier. Abrams discusses Google’s reasons for targeting the popular Spring Framework. He also delves into the integrations between Google App Engine, Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and Speed Tracer with Spring tools such as Roo, STS, Spring Insight and more.

    Brad Abrams on Google, Spring Tools Integration
  • Doug Crockford on HTML and Fixing the Web

    In this interview, Doug Crockford discusses his views on HTML5, which basically amount to a warning that the technology is not quite ready and poses potential risks is widely adopted too quickly. Crockford also talks about the evolution of JavaScript, which has become his favorite language, and of the ECMAScript 5 standard. In addition, Crockford calls for the eradication of IE6.

    Doug Crockford on HTML and Fixing the Web