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InfoQ Homepage Cloud Architecture Content on InfoQ


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  • Improving Developer Experience with Platform Engineering

    Platform engineering has become a hot topic over the last several years. The need to deliver software with speed, safety, and efficiency has driven the rise of platforms designed “as a product” with the internal customer, the developer. In this InfoQ emag, we bring together insights from platform builders, practitioners, and developer experience leaders at the forefront of these topics.

  • Cell-Based Architectures: How to Build Scalable and Resilient Systems

    Cell-based architecture is a resiliency and fault tolerance pattern that has co-evolved with SOA and microservices. It builds on the bulkhead pattern to limit the blast radius in case of failures. The cell-based approach can also help organize large-scale microservice architectures into domain-bound service groups to promote high cohesion and loose coupling and help organizations scale.

  • The InfoQ eMag: Cloud Native Patterns & Practices

    In this eMag, the InfoQ team pulled together stories that best help you understand this cloud-native revolution, and what it takes to jump in. It features interviews with industry experts, and articles on key topics like migration, data, and security.