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InfoQ Homepage Coaching Content on InfoQ

  • What Is Leading Self-Organising Teams All About?

    What exactly do we have to do to capitalise on self-organisation? How can we best support our teams? What special kind of leadership is needed? The third article from a series on Leading Self-Organising Teams covers what it means to lead a self-organising team.

  • Author Q&A: Portia Tung on The Dream Team Nightmare

    Portia Tung answers questions about her "build your own adventure" book - The Dream Team Nightmare. Aimed at agile coaches and teams it presents a variety of scenarios for the reader to navigate by making choices at the end of each section. Some of these choices result in success and some expose various failure modes which the reader can examine and learn from.

  • Interview with Bruno Sbille about Leadership Styles and Visual Management

    Bruno Sbille, a trainer and coach who lives in Belgium, did a session at the XP Days Benelux 2012 conference, on the topic: learn different leadership styles with Star Wars coaches. InfoQ interviewed him on using leadership styles, visual management, and agile coaching.

  • An Alternative to Agile Coaching

    Phil Abernathy asserts that the role of the Agile Coach may be due to sunset - he proposes an alternate based on his vision of an Agile Practitioner Manager embedded within an agile team. The Agile Practitioner Manager will have "skin in the game" being responsible not just for helping the team with their process but also being accountable for the deliver of customer value through the product.

  • STEP – A Map for an Agile Journey

    Are you finding joy in work and delighting your customers? STEP is simple map for an Agile-inspired journey of continuous improvement. Start by Stopping to visualize your work-flow. Transform your way of work, limiting the amount of work-in-process. Then Expand your improvements, inspire more people to develop the habit of team learning. Finally, keep walking, keep Perfecting your way of work.

  • Interview with Simon Baker, Author of No Bull

    InfoQ has interviewed Simon Baker, cofounder of Energized Work and the 2009 recipient of the Agile Alliance Gordon Pask Award, author of the "No bull" publication on the past 12 years of Agile.

  • Net-Map - A Toolkit to Understand and Visualise Stakeholder Influence

    Net-Map is a tool developed by Eva Schiffer that allows you through interviews to visualise and analyse how different people and groups influence a particular situation. It is of interest to Agile teams as it can help you understand who your stakeholders are, how they are connected and the level of influence they have. InfoQ recently caught up with Eva and asked her a few questions.

  • Organizational Culture and Agile: Does it fit?

    Recently, Agile Coach Michael Sahota has been exploring the impacts of organizational culture on Agile transformations. We caught up with Michael and asked him to answer a few questions for our readers.

  • Book Excerpt: Coaching Agile Teams by Lyssa Adkins

    Very little in our education or experience properly prepares a ScrumMaster or project manager for the role of agile coach. This leaves most wondering, "What is my role in a self-organized team? How do I help the team yet stay hands-off?" This chapter, excerpted from the book Coaching Agile Teams, shows you how to activate the journey toward high performance in both provocative and practical ways.