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  • WebAssembly, the Safer Alternative to Integrating Native Code in Java

    Developers typically choose between porting the code or dynamic linking to run native code on the JVM. This article examines these approaches, using SQLite as an example, and introduces a third option: Chicory Wasm runtime. This alternative combines the advantages of traditional methods while addressing their limitations, potentially offering a more secure solution to integrate native code.

  • How to Start With Security

    Computer security, or the lack thereof, has made many headlines recently. In this article we'll look at how bad things are and what you, as a software developer, can do about it. It will help get you started or hopefully give you some new ideas if you're already doing some security work.

  • A Few Good Rules

    Peter Neumark from Prezi talks about the importance of deciding what development standards to adopt and to detect when they're past their expiry date. Using Netflix and Prezi as examples, Peter illustrates with technical examples when to stick to standards and when to move on to better solutions.

  • Interview and Book Review: The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java

    "The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java" book covers the rules for secure coding using Java programming language and its libraries with the goal to help Java developers eliminate insecure coding practices that can lead to vulnerable code. InfoQ spoke with book authors about how the security rules discussed in the book compare to other security coding frameworks.

  • Building Scalability and Achieving Performance: A Virtual Panel

    Join our industry-heavyweight (eBay, Betfair, FiveRuns and Twitter) panel as they explore the cost of making their sites as scalable as possible, whilst tuning to get the most performance they possibly can. They explore the pros-and-cons of making their apps as awesome as possible - all the while under the pressure of their business requirements.

  • Talking .NET Code Analysis with Patrick Smacchia

    Patrick Smacchia is a Visual C# MVP with over 15 years of software development experience. He is the author of Practical .NET 2 and C# 2, books about the .NET platform. He has worked on software in a variety of fields including the stock exchange at Société Générale and a satellite base station at Alcatel. He's currently the lead developer of the tool NDepend.