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  • No Callbacks Required: StratifiedJS Returns Sequential Programming to Javascript

    StratifiedJS is a superset of Javascript that adds concurrency constructs and makes callback hell a thing of the past. How? InfoQ talked to Alexander Fritze, of Onilabs, to find out.

  • A Blend of Java and Ruby - The Mirah Language

    Mirah is a new language for the JVM that can do everything the Java language can do - but with a Ruby-ish syntax and powerful metaprogramming. InfoQ talks to Mirah's creator Charles Nutter.

  • The Limits of Agile

    The problems faced by teams that are attempting Agile in non-traditional settings aren't that Agile principles are inapplicable, nor that the feedback cycle is doomed to failure; but rather, outside of a certain Agile sweet-spot there are additional barriers and costs to applying Agile techniques. None of these obstacles prevents Agile in itself but each increases the cost of getting to Agile.

  • Expression as a Compiler

    The ability to dynamically generate code can greatly increase the expressiveness of developers. Repetitive code can be eliminated and complex decisions be pushed back to configuration files that can be changed by business analysts. In the past .NET developers built dynamic code using Reflection.Emit or CodeDom, but with LINQ Expressions a lightweight alternative has become available.

  • Exploring LISP on the JVM

    One of the most exciting things in the Java world right now is the work being done to get other programming languages to run on the virtual machine. There is a lot of buzz around JRuby, Groovy, Scala, and the JavaScript engine Rhino. But why stop there? If you really want to take a step outside the mainstream and dive into something completely different from Java, Lisp is a great option.

  • Deploying JRuby applications with Java Web Start

    JRuby is built on Java - so it can make use of Java Web Start to make it easy to deploy JRuby apps. This article walks through the necessary steps for releasing a JRuby app with Java Web Start, including: how to handle signing, setting JRuby parameters and a look at using JRuby 1.1's coming AheadOfTime (AOT) compilation feature.