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  • UI Design: Go Out and Get Data

    Chris Atherton did the closing keynote of the GOTO Berlin 2015 conference in which she talked about designing software. She suggests that, in stead of relying on professional opinions on how software should look or work, it can be better to go out and get data from real users. InfoQ interviewed her about designing and testing user interfaces.

  • Samsung SAMI – a D3 Platform for the IoT

    Samsung SAMI is a Data-driven Development (D3) platform for receiving, storing and sending data to/from IoT devices. Any device can send data in various formats which is then normalized into a JSON format and stored in the cloud. Data can then be requested by other devices.

  • Data Quality at Prezi

    For an organization to be data-driven, it's not enough to just dump mountains of data. That data needs to be accurate and meaningful. Julianna Göbölös-Szabó, data engineer at Prezi shared how they improved the quality of its log data. Their solution involved moving from unstructured to structured data with a lightweight, contract-based approach to nudge all teams in the right direction.

  • Agile View of Big Data

    An agile view of Big Data, wherein data is viewed as a real time stream, offers a new look at how data is managed. Using an agile data infrastructure, organizations can conquer Big Data challenges with a level of ease, flexibility and performance. White paper by codeFutures describes the Agile view of Big Data.

  • Prismatic Adds Data Type Coercion to Schema 0.2

    Prismatic have added data coercion in the 0.2 release of their Clojure data description library, Schema. The addition of coercion means that the library doesn’t just reject data that has the wrong types, but it can be configured to modify instances to fit the schema. InfoQ talked to Prismatic's Jason Wolfe about Schema.