InfoQ Homepage Database Content on InfoQ
Change Data Capture for Distributed Databases @Netflix
Raghuram Onti Srinivasan covers the challenges associated with capturing CDC events from Cassandra, discussing the Flink ecosystem and the use of RocksDB.
Qualitative Analysis for Digital Transformation
John Willis discusses how Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis and a QDA approach can be used to analyze group, leadership interviews to better understand Digital Transformation outcomes.
Turnkey Multi-Region, Active-Active Session Stores with Steeltoe, Redis Enterprise, and PAS
Adi Foulger provides insights into the Redis Enterprise architecture and demos active/active Redis clusters across two geo-distributed Pivotal Platform foundations.
Domain-Driven Design with Relational Databases Using Spring Data JDBC
Jens Schauder discusses how to design an object model the DDD way, why this might be a good idea, and how to build a persistence layer for it backed by Spring Data JDBC.
Databases and Stream Processing: a Future of Consolidation
Ben Stopford digs into why both stream processors and databases are necessary from a technical standpoint but also by exploring industry trends that make consolidation in the future far more likely.
Anti-Entropy Using CRDTs on HA Datastores @Netflix
Sailesh Mukil briefly introduces Dynomite, offers a deep dive on how anti-entropy is implemented and talks about the underlying principles of CRDTs that make this possible.
Privacy Architecture for Data-Driven Innovation
Nishant Bhajaria discusses how to set up a privacy program and shares tips on how to influence engineering and other teams to own their data and its usage so that privacy is a shared goal.
Spring Data to Spring Cloud to Spring Security: How Azure Supercharges Spring Boot
Richard Seroter, Asir Selvasingh and Vaibhav Agrawal demo an application that features Spring Security for Azure AD, Spring Cosmos DB, Spring Stream Binder for Event Hubs, Azure Monitor, and others.
What Does It Mean to Be a Data Scientist? Definitions and Lessons Learned from the Trenches
Brian Korzynski discusses what Data Science and Big Data are, focusing on the data preparation that needs to take place, and making a distinction between ML issues and programming.
Big Data Legal Issues. GDPR and Contracts
Anton Tarasiuk discusses the legal issues that can be encountered when dealing with Big Data, GDPR and contracts.
Event-Driven Java Applications with Redis 5.0 Streams
Mark Paluch takes a look at how to integrate Redis streams into applications, and how to consume and produce messages to build a message-oriented Java application with Redis the Spring way.
Spring Data JPA from 0-100 in 60 Minutes
Jens Schauder looks into how Spring Data JPA works and how it integrates with Spring by means of Spring Data JPA.