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  • The Kollected Kode Vicious Review and Author Q&A

    Addison Wesley Professional The Kollected Kode Vicious by George V. Neville-Neil aims to provide thoughtful and pragmatic insight into programming to both experienced and younger software professionals on a variety of different topics related to programming. InfoQ has taken the chance to speak with author Neville-Neil about his book.

  • PHP 7 — Classes and Interfaces Improvements

    In the second instalment of this article series dedicated to PHP 7, we continue our exploration of PHP 7 new features focusing on object-oriented programming support, classes, and interfaces.

  • Learning Progressive Web Apps - Book Review and Q&A

    The book *Learning Progressive Web Apps* presents a gentle but thorough introduction to PWAs through the implementation of three PWAs. The book focuses on web manifests and service workers. The reader needs only know HTML, JavaScript and CSS to follow through the examples.

  • Using a DDD Approach for Validating Business Rules

    If the goal is to create software applications that emulate the behavior of domain experts, then the challenge is in capturing and implementing the business rules. This is more a factor of good knowledge management than it is raw coding ability. Following techniques from Domain-Driven Design can provide a structure for effectively validating and implementing business rules in a system.

  • Q&A on the Book Righting Software

    The book Righting Software by Juval Löwy provides a structured way to design a software system and the project to build it. Löwy proposes to use volatility-based decomposition to encapsulate changes inside the system’s building blocks, and explains how to design the project in order to provide decision makers with several viable options trading schedule, cost, and risk.

  • Categorise Unsolved Problems in Agile Development: Premature & Foreseeable

    Productivity decline and technical debt, as often seen in agile development, can be prevented by separating unsolved problems into premature and foreseeable. It shifts the discussion about unsolved problems from importance to likelihood. With small but essential adjustments, agile can be kept sustainable. With this insight, developer-architect differences and team psychology gaps can be bridged.

  • Five Android and iOS UI Design Guidelines for React Native

    This article will explain why UI designers should follow platform specific guidelines while designing for multiple platforms. This can be quite a complex task, due to the variety of constraints and guidelines there are to consider. We propose five easy guidelines to design for multiple platforms focusing on React Native and without missing key usability concerns.

  • Q&A on the Book Future Ethics

    In the book Future Ethics, Cennydd Bowles explores the role ethics play in the tech industry and in the work of product managers, designers, and engineers. The book provides guidance on how to think and act ethically when designing products.

  • Q&A on the Book Refactoring - Second Edition

    The book Refactoring - Second Edition by Martin Fowler explores how you can improve the design and quality of your code in small steps, without changing external behavior. It consists of around seventy detailed descriptions of refactorings, including a motivation for doing them, the mechanics, and an example.

  • Towards Successful Resilient Software Design

    In this article, Uwe Friedrichsen explains the “why” and “what” of resilient software design, discusses the challenges he has met most often in recent years, and shares his thoughts on how to implement resilient software design in your organisation.

  • Q&A on the Book Bitwise - A Life in Code

    In the book Bitwise - A Life in Code, David Auerbach discusses the gap between how computers picture the world and how it really is, and provides his story of attempting to close that gap. The book explores how technology has impacted society and aims to make you think about what computers do to people.

  • Modeling Uncertainty with Reactive DDD

    Vaughn Vernon has written several books on DDD and reactive messaging patterns, and has found that the nature of distributed systems means you must deal with uncertainty. How to respond to a missing message, or a message that is received twice, should be a business decision, and therefore must be part of the domain model.