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InfoQ Homepage Design Pattern Content on InfoQ

  • Gang of Four Design Patterns - Does it stand the test of time?

    More than a decade ago by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides known as the Gang of Four (GoF) published their seminal book "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software". The GoF book, which is considered the harbinger of the whole software patterns movement, has recently been criticized as no longer relevant.

  • Does software design really pay off?

    Many developers have encountered a situation where they’ve been asked to cut down on design and "just get the job done". Martin Fowler presented his doubts about this strategy and explained trading design quality for speed is illusory for projects longer than just a few weeks.

  • Article: Bridging the gap between BI and SOA

    Business intelligence (BI) and service-oriented architecture (SOA) have conflicting principles and needs. "Bridging the gap between BI & SOA" demonstrates how to reconcile the differences

  • Applying REST Principles to Complex Applications

    In a blog post, REST expert Joe Gregorio shows how to apply REST principles to complex applications, using the Apache DayTrader Benchmark, which requires reliable delivery of orders, as an example.

  • Guice and JavaConfig: Two Approaches to IoC through Annotations

    Now that the dust has settled a bit from the initial release of Guice, the comparisons with Spring IoC and specifically with Spring JavaConfig are available. Guice and JavaConfig offer different approaches on putting IoC configuration into code using Java annotations.

  • Guice: Fast and Light Dependency Injection Container

    Guice is a new open-source Dependency Injection framework for Java 5 that is closing in on a 1.0 release. Guice is a very annotation-driven, lightweight framework that provides an alternative to Spring, for a certain set of features.

  • InfoQ Book: Domain Driven Design Quickly

    Despite the importance of Domain Driven Design, not many people are aware of it, which is why InfoQ commissioned the writing of a 100 page mini-book: Domain Driven Design Quickly. Like all InfoQ books is available for free download as well as print-purchase. The book is a short, quickly-readable summary and introduction to the fundamentals of DDD.

  • Spring.NET QnA with Aleks Seovic and Mark Pollack

    InfoQ had a chance to sit down with Aleksandar Seovic and Mark Pollack the co-creaters of Spring.NET. Spring.NET is an application framework that brings AOP, a Dependency Injection container and data access framework to .NET. It is not a complete port of Spring to .NET yet it preserves the tenets of Spring.

  • Domain Specific Languages: A summary of recent ideas & debates

    Recent discussions have introduced new distinctions useful for understanding the use cases for DSLs. Joel Spolsky explained how the use of a DSL avoided large porting costs and simplified deployment/maintenance. Mark Dominus made the case that design patterns are a sign of language deficiency. Buko Obele says DSLs are a bad idea because they do not do a good job controlling change over time.

  • InfoQ Article: Agile - The SOA Hangover Cure

    Carl Ververs, an expert on SOA Integration writes about the application of "Agile" development philosophies and methodologies in order to build a sustainable and valuable SOA system.

  • How Should We Teach Design Patterns?

    Design patterns are a key to productive "refactoring", an Agile practice that keeps applications stable and maintainable, and a central aspect of Agile methodologies like XP. The 5th "Killer Examples" for Design Patterns and Objects workshop will take place at OOPSLA2006 in October, and will be looking at how to teach design patterns - apparently existing materials can be challenging for novices.

  • "Agile Practice" Patterns Wiki is Up

    At XP2006, Amr Elssamadisy announced a new wiki site for collecting Agile Practice Patterns. Well, it's up and ready to go, already loaded with patterns from ChiliPlop 2006 and XP 2006 conferences.

  • InfoQ Article: SOA anti-patterns

    SOA Expert Steve Jones from CapGemini provides a hands on look at SOA Antipatterns and a list of ways your SOA project can go wrong. This list includes signs that these problems are cropping up as well as what to do when you see them happening.

  • Resource Injection in the Java EE platform Overview

    One of the simplification features of Java EE 5 is the implementation of basic dependency injection to simplify web and EJB components. Annotations are used for injecting resources, services, and life-cycle notifications. A new tutorial on shows how to use annotations to do resource injection and we've summarized what can be injected and where.

  • Book: Java Transaction Design Strategies Published

    InfoQ's first book, Java Transaction Design Strategies has been published! The book is available for free download and the published print version is available for $22.95. Written by IBM architect and nofluff speaker Mark Richards, the book is one of the very few works on transactions, and definitely one of the most practical.