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Talks at Better Software East / DevOps East / Agile Dev East 2016
The third and fourth days of the triple conference Better Software East / DevOps East / Agile Dev East held in Orlando, Florida, continued the trend established by the first two, with talks covering a wide range of topics but with a clear emphasis on testing. While days 1 and 2 were filled with half and full-day tutorials, days 3 and 4 were based on one-hour talks.
Tutorials at Better Software East / DevOps East / Agile Dev East 2016
Between the 14th and 18th November, the three conferences Better Software East, DevOps East and Agile Dev East are taking place simultaneously in the same venue in Orlando, Florida. The conferences are organised around two days of tutorials, two days of talks, and a closing Agile Summit day with keynotes by several international speakers. InfoQ attended the conference to report on its contents.