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InfoQ Homepage Distributed Document Oriented Database Content on InfoQ

  • NoSQL Shake-Up. Membase and CouchOne merge into Couchbase

    The shape of the NoSQL landscape is changing. The first big market aggregation took place with the merger of Membase Inc. with CouchOne into Couchbase. InfoQ spoke with James Phillip and Damien Katz about the benefits of the merger and future products.

  • JasperSoft 4 Released with Big Data Support

    JasperSoft announces reporting support for Hadoop and leading NoSQL databases.

  • Foursquare's MongoDB Outage

    Foursquare recently suffered a total site outage for eleven hours. The outage was caused by unexpected uneven growth in their MongoDB database that their monitoring didn't detect. The system outage was prolonged when an attempt to add a partition didn't work due to fragmentation, and required taking the database offline to compact it. Learn what happened and what responses are planned.

  • Four NoSQL Add-ons available for Heroku Users

    The first four NoSQL datastores are available as Add-ons for the Heroku PaaS (platform-as-a-service) platform. Using the Add-on system that was introduced in October 2009, CouchDB from Cloudant, Membase from NorthScale, MongoDB from MongoHQ and Redis were made available for Heroku users.

  • CouchDB Comes to Android

    Couchio, the company founded by Damien Katz, creator of CouchDB, has announced the release of CouchDB SDK for Android, a mobile version of the document database that can be used offline.

  • RubyConf China: NoSQL, Rails, and Matz on Ruby 2.0

    The 2nd annual RubyConf China, this year in Shanghai, China, featured Ruby creator Matz who talked about Ruby Community and Ruby 2.0. InfoQ takes a look at the other talks and what tools and databases Ruby developers in and around China use.

  • Presentation: CouchDB and Me

    In this talk from RubyFringe, Damien Katz explains what drove him to create CouchDB, why he chose Erlang, how it ended up as an Apache project and much more.

  • Interview: Damien Katz Relaxing on CouchDB

    In this interview, Damien Katz talks about CouchDB, a distributed, fault tolerant, document oriented database developed by Apache Incubator. CouchDB is written in Erlang, and the database is accessed through an HTTP/JSON API. The database view engine is run on JavaScript, but other languages have been used like Ruby and Python.

  • Martin Fowler Sees a Thaw in Frozen Thinking about Data Storage

    In a recent blog post, Martin Fowler, a renowned software thought leader, observed at last week's QCon that the deep freeze in thinking about databases in application architectures is thawing. The world has been stuck using RDBMS databases for every application use case, but the time has come to also consider RISC RDBMS or distributed document-oriented databases.

  • The RDBMS is not enough.

    In a world of services, RDBMS are not the solution to every problem. Document Oriented Distributed Databases try to solve this and add a new way of storing documents. CouchDB (written in Erlang) is in its alpha stage and evolving on a regular basis. InfoQ caught up with Anthony Eden who is implementing the same concept in Ruby with RDDB.