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InfoQ Homepage Distributed Team Content on InfoQ

  • Johanna Rothman: Agile Risk Reduction for Traditional Teams

    Management consultant Johanna Rothman helps her clients manage risk: be it risk in a project's people, risk in how the people are managed, or the risk in the projects themselves. In this interview she talked about strategies for risk reduction, useful for teams in all stages of agility, contained in her new book "Manage It! Your Guide to Modern Pragmatic Project Management."

    Johanna Rothman: Agile Risk Reduction for Traditional Teams
  • Zed Shaw and Matt Pelletier Decide if Rails is Enterprise Ready

    Zed Shaw and Matt Pelletier sat down with InfoQ's Obie Fernandez at RailsConf to explore some of the reasoning behind setting up the mongrel project, getting adoption in enterprise and dealing with developers who just aren't ready. Watch the interview to find out how much Shaw's Enterprise Mongrel product will cost, where the support contracts are and who'll come out on top when the vultures land.

    Zed Shaw and Matt Pelletier Decide if Rails is Enterprise Ready
  • Linda Rising on Collaboration, Bonobos and The Brain

    In this InfoQ interview, author and coach Linda Rising reflected on scientific research suggesting that we may be hardwired to work in small, collaborative teams. She also explained what led up to her popular Agile2006 talk "Are Agilists the Bonobos of the Software World?" which focused on their "make love not war" social rituals. The apes' rituals, that is.

    Linda Rising on Collaboration, Bonobos and The Brain
  • Per Kroll on Agility & Discipline, Distributed Dev, RUP Subsets

    Per Kroll is responsible for developing and managing RUP at Rational. In the interview, Per shares insights from his book 'Agility and Discipline', Agile practices for distributed development, how RUP is changing to support teams that want to customize it, and RUP vs. Agile.

    Per Kroll on Agility & Discipline, Distributed Dev, RUP Subsets