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Modern Apps & Microservices
Bob Familiar introduces microservices, discussing their architecture and outlining cloud deployment scenarios, exemplified by a live demo on Microsoft Azure.
Sync is the Future of Mobile Data
Chris Anderson provides code samples on how to build offline applications for mobile platforms based on the NoSQL document model, and how to contribute to the open source projects behind this movement
A Relational Database System in which Joins Cost Zero
Ori Herrnstadt introduces the Akiban database which solves the problem of joins and combines the best of relational and document databases.
Spring Data - NoSQL - No Problems...
Peter Bell introduces 4 NoSQL categories –Key-Value, Document, Column, Graph - and explains how one can use Spring Data to work with such data stores.
Introducing RavenDB: NoSQL is Rapping at Your Door
David Neal introduces RavenDB, a document-oriented database with .NET, Silverlight, JavaScript and REST APIs.
CouchDB is a schema-free document database. But now that the NoSQL movement is in full swing, there are several document databases to choose from, so why choose Couch?
The Wizardry of Scaling
Oren Eini presents several architectural concepts – divide and conquer, background evaluation, one way messaging, the single responsibility principle - helpful to build highly scalable systems.