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Ember-Data, the Way Forward
Igor Terzic presents several cases where Ember Data is used in production, and outlines some of the features that are intended to be included in the future.
Ember.js Advanced Patterns
Paul Chavard discusses advanced techniques for building large EmberJS applications with Ember Data.
Complex Architectures in Ember
Matthew Beale explains how messages are passed between views, controllers and routes in Ember.js.
Ember Reusable Components and Widgets
Sergey Bolshchikov discusses building complex UIs with Ember.js by combining Handlebars templates and Ember.View.
Insights from Using Ember.js in the Field
Stefan Fochler shares best practices on using Ember.js to master the needs of real-world web applications, discussing what worked well and what didn't.
Experiences Building a Hypervideo-based Web App with Ember.js, Popcorn.js and HTML5
Thomas Herrmann discusses the advantages, challenges and lessons learned in building a multimedia-heavy, interactive HTML5 application with Ember.js.
Productive Out-of-the-Box with Ember.js
Anthony Bull overviews some of the tools that help being productive with Ember.js, providing details on Yeoman.
Query Params with the Ember Router: Past, Present and Future
Alex Speller introduces Ember Query, a library enabling query string usage in Ember: introduction, advanced usage, tips & tricks, the future.